Sunday, September 26, 2010

What Can I Write In A Wedding Card

Spanish in Caracas correspondent derides the National Anthem of Venezuela pays notice

The newspaper El Pais reports that Chavez and his people "get excited singing a hymn that speaks of a poor man in his shack"

Alejandro Ruiz / Venezuela Cantaclaro

" how far the great English press in its eagerness to denigrate the President Hugo Chávez, the humble people of Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution, on the eve of each election battle, to try to favor the right-wing opposition?

The English daily El Pais and its correspondent in Caracas, sent to report on parliamentary elections Sunday September 26, show up where you can denigrate a country, its people humble, its authorities and its symbols.

say that Chavez and his followers managed to dazzle the simple people who, election after election (...) will support with their vote "is not enough for this kind of journalism. Writing that" the poor only vote for silly soup change "is not enough for an alleged briefing note The Country on current Venezuelan elections.

With nothing fair holder" The Venezuelan opposition unites to curb abuses of power Chavez " , dated 09/25/2010, a day before elections, "the newspaper Spain's El Pais publishes an article signed by its correspondent Pablo Ordaz, which mocks and trivializes the national anthem of Venezuela . Also, try to ridicule the President Chávez and disparaged the ordinary people of the South American country, a former English colony from 1498 until 1821.

Here, verbatim, as published this other part of the infamous note directed to "inform" readers in Spain and used as ammunition in the circular sign international media, including several opposition media in Venezuela:

"Just take to the streets (...) and see a red tide of people having fun with his commander president [Chavez], who laughs at his jokes, answers their questions and excited him singing a hymn speaks of a 'poor freedom in his hut called ".

journalist Paul M. Ordaz and daily El Pais in Spain disrespect the most sensitive of the Venezuelan people. This hymn, which they mock and trivialize because it speaks of a "poor in his hut called freedom" is not a "hymn" that invented Chavez to "move" and "ordinary people dazzle that, election after election ... "behind him.

That hymn is, nothing more and nothing less than the official anthem of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. To the beat of the patriotic song's Liberation Army Simon Bolivar liberated, almost 200 years ago, Venezuela and several countries in South America from English colonial yoke.

The National Anthem "Gloria al Bravo Pueblo" , is a sacred and solemn song for all Venezuelans, dating from the struggle for independence since 1810. It is one of the three constitutionally Symbols that identify the country, along with the National Flag and Shield of the Republic. His disrespect for the law is considered a crime.

is despicable that Spain's El Pais -and your correspondent who writes from Caracas to reach those ends only to attack President Chavez and trying to promote an opposition defeated. They should already know that means "Glory to the brave people who shook off the yoke, the Act respecting virtue and honor."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Going To A Gay Bathhouse Alone

racist Opposition's campaign manager PSUV-PCV

Pablo Medina called "black cod" Aristobulus Istúriz

Alejandro Ruiz

The candidate of the opposition parties to parliament by the Capital District, Pablo Medina, published on Thursday 23 September 2010, the daily Últimas Noticias , a full-page message in which calls to pay for those "who are not slaves of the head of government" and called black cod "Chavez candidate for that constituency, in clear reference to Professor Aristobulo Isturiz, an African-American, and who is the national campaign manager of the revolutionary alliance PSUV-PCV.

Medina, leader of the rightist alliance MUD, wants a seat at the National Assembly with the votes popular areas of Caracas, where he is nominated Istúriz, former minister Education and vice president of the party of President Chávez.

In the ad, paid as election advertising in the newspaper of national circulation, Pablo Medina appears in a photograph together with fellow opposition candidate for Caracas, Stalin González. Then, in an extensive and virulent text entitled "Let my people go!" Attacked the President, rants of the candidates of the alliance of Venezuela's United Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Venezuela (PSUV-PCV) and encourages the armed forces to revolt on election day.

Paradoxically, the opposition leaders settled their campaign National Assembly called "A vote against hate," "To live and thrive in peace" and published in the press that "In Venezuela we want peace, respect, tolerance and democracy." In various media and meetings were presented as an alternative to inclusion and love of neighbor. While not tired, or tired, to accuse the Venezuelan leader and candidate of the revolutionary alliance PSUV-PCV to promote intolerance, violent speech and divide the country.

However, nearing the end of the race that this coming September 26, 2010 defined the 165 members of the National Parliament, the demons have been unleashed in the field of the counterrevolution in Venezuela, showing his true essence and fury. Opposition candidates could not conceal much time with your feigned discourse of peace and love, "love them all, vote for me."

is really embarrassing, contrary to all norms of electoral disputes and civil rights enshrined in the Constitution, the pamphlet published on the last day of campaigning with the signature of the opposition candidate Pablo Medina in the newspaper Ultimas Noticias (23 - 09-2010, p.43). Even his fellow party's far-right Movement 2D, Miguel Henrique Otero, dared to insert as an advertisement in the newspaper El Nacional .

electoral propaganda of the opposition allegedly rebukes and defame President Chavez, as is his wont: "... the money that belongs to all Venezuelans, steal it ...."

also showing whence the provocative message says: "... only a picture of dead in the morgue stowed shocked and apparatus for active your knees ...."

the beginning of the publication is called to vote for members "... are not slaves of the head of government." And then, near the end, the opposition launched the most despicable and racist instigator of his speech, referring first to the President of the Republic and then the candidate Aristobulo Isturiz, the color of their skin:

"You [Chavez] and your cronies are the thrown of the people living throwing challenges opposition (...) Why is your black cod, after the challenge launched discuss not had the same gall (...) I warn you, we will defend ourselves if democratic voting and FAN [National Armed Forces] institutional will to the Venezuelan people. "

The election campaign has ended, the contempt of the oligarchy and its mercenaries. Do not forget the glorious Bolivarian people of Venezuela.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Card Game Frustration


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bionicle Instructions Vezon

And if we vote for the Communists? Colombian jail

Alejandro Ruiz

For the first time in its nearly 80 year history, the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) figures prominently in the electoral cards: up and left, right next to the United Socialist Party majority Venezuela (PSUV). The place once reserved for the bourgeois parties AD, Copei and reformist MAS, is now up to the forces of the Bolivarian Revolution, and that's no small thing in the political-electoral battle.

Thanks to the perfect alliance between socialists and communists for the upcoming elections on September 26, all candidates of the PSUV are those of PCV in nominal list and vote in all states the country. Voting for the PSUV cards PCV or vote for the candidates themselves.

So why vote for the Communists? Is not it the same?

is the same electorally speaking, but every vote for the PCV would have a different quality in the battle to deepen the revolution to combat the counterrevolution and the reformist tendencies.

Personally, one reason would be enough to vote for the Communists, the leaders of the PCV are willing to suffer the same fate of its members and the common people, and they assume their way of life. Sometimes even the sacrifice of dying for their cause.

But also there are other reasons. Every vote for the Communists of PCV would be a recognition of his career and consequence, since its founding in 1931, in the struggle for socialism, a commander loyal to Chavez since he supported his presidential candidacy in February 1998.

While some who said they were uncritically loyal to President Chavez have betrayed and deserted the ranks of the opposition and imperialism, the leaders and members of PCV have remained consistent in these 11 years of revolutionary government. Whenever the flag with the Red Rooster has been present, without charge or bureaucratic privileges required to support him.

Each card vote is a vote PCV against rogue yesterday and against the traitors of today with his theories of "democratic socialism" can-style, and "productive socialism," the lost PPT, which thrived as the government allied parties and everything seemed fine and perfect, but now matched with the right most ancient in its intemperate attacks on Chavez and the Revolution.

Every vote for the Communists is also a vote for honest and constructive criticism revolutionary failures and errors in the development of governance.

addition, each vote for the PCV is a vote to encourage outstanding revolutionary laws that help transform social relations of production and to build the hegemony of the socialist system on the current capitalist reality, as the Law of the Social Councils of Workers, to exercise control of the working class in the existing public and private companies.

is vote for those who have strongly promoted in the National Assembly and in the street the approval of a New Labor Law, which establishes general and absolute job security, reduction of the working day, retroactive to the calculation of social benefits ; increase of the resting pre-and postnatal.

vote for the Communists is a vote for his proposal of nationalization and socialization of the entire banking and financial system of the country, with mechanisms for participation of workers in management control. And so to root rot financial scam their clients, victims and profits from oil revenues. Because

vote for the Communists is to strengthen the international movement that has been most engaged and fought in defense of the Bolivarian Revolution in all countries. While so-called socialist parties in several continents and the Socialist International to unite the right to attack Chávez and his government, the Communists argue with fervor in Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Africa and Oceania.

And because each vote for the PCV will be like a stone in the teeth of the anti-communist campaign and counter the Cardinal and the Vatican official Urosa unpatriotic. It will be like a stone in the teeth of liars Globovisión channel, the daily El Nacional and other private media.

Every vote for the Communists will be a missile to the liver of imperialism and its lackeys. And if many votes, he would take a good little scare the bourgeoisie. Minimum.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Where Can I Buy Marilyn Monroe Bath Curtains

Photo is published on the front page as "unworthy jail"

Alejandro Ruiz

the opposition newspaper El Nuevo País , edited family in Caracas Poleo, on Friday ran a front page 09.03.2010 immense picture of an alleged Venezuelan prison, where there is a cell where seven prisoners survived-perhaps more-in gruesome inhuman overcrowding. The photo is really moving, dramatic.

in a box, a headline in red letters identify the photo: "Prisons unworthy." A brief text of the proposed notice as valuable complements picture: "What is happening in Venezuela's prisons is not an invention of imperialism, (...) The graph corresponds to Uribana [prison located in Barquisimeto] and shows the conditions under which survive these prisoners, while the government launched programs 'reintegration of prisoners into society', with no visible results. "

Every prison is terrible. And in Venezuelan prisons there are still serious problems inherited, characteristic of the underworld. However, the photograph published by The New Country not applicable, as they say to their readers, Uribana Venezuelan jail. It's actually a photo of the National Prison Bellavista, located near Medellin, Colombia, not Venezuela. The brick wall seen at the bottom of the graph are characteristic of that Colombian prison.

The alleged exclusive photo has been published since About three years ago by several websites, in articles related to the problem of prisons in Colombia.

Al SiteSearch Google the words "prison in Colombia" and press view images, second screen appears the same photo published by the newspaper El Nuevo País . The image is linked to the Web portal Forum English Armed Forces. It states that the photograph is the National Prison Bellavista, Colombia. You can read the following, which leaves no doubt:

"The levels of overcrowding: Colombia's prisons than by far its capacity. In a crowded that early in the decade of 1990 was approximately 14% passage overcrowding of over 35% on average in the country's prisons. But, this national average is far from the situation in the prisons of the big cities. By way of example, the National Prison Bellavista is 6,300 inmates, when its capacity is 1,800, ie there is 250% overcrowded. This, plus the physical deterioration of facilities, is an attempt on the life, health, privacy and security of detainees. "

Colombian prison in Bellavista dozens of guerrilla prisoners in appalling conditions, junto con miles de delincuentes comunes y delincuentes paramilitares. La prensa de Colombia de vez en cuando publica titulares como estos: “Familiares de internos de la cárcel Bellavista protestan por condiciones indignas en el penal” ( El Tiempo , 27-02-2010); “Reclusos de la Cárcel Bellavista protagonizaron motín” ( RCN Radio , 24-02-2010).

La reciente “información” de El Nuevo País es otra muestra de que en su afán por atacar y desestabilizar al gobierno del Presidente Chávez, los medios privados mienten, manipulan y engañan de una manera ciertamente indigna. Ahora les ha dado por publicar fotos en primera plana para shock and terrorize the people of Venezuela, on the eve of parliamentary elections.

For the private media, most opposing the Chavez government, do not care if they have to resort to old photographs and present them as current events. Or post a photo of a Colombian prison and present it as if it was Venezuela. At this level have fallen owners "Venezuelan journalism."