For President does not study. No Degree, Masters or PhD for a highly responsible role. And yet, modern superstitions say that nothing should be some responsibility by empirical, people not prepared academically for that role precisely that. So you get to establish a right, a monopoly by other convenient for the owners of the title in question. If I had doctorates in Presidency of the Republic would be the union exercised anyone without a title. Needless to say, to do this would be big queues as useful a preparation for serving others.
However, there is no way to learn to be president out of the opportunity to be. Nothing prepares for power out of power. You do not learn before the exercise, you learn to exercise. You learn to be president after it officially, which is not because, unfortunately, there is no Bachelors, Masters or PhD President. If you consider to be the President, the situation would remain unchanged. The title would serve, not to define who learned previously and therefore is entitled to exercise, but who is entitled to the opportunity to learn later (if he ever learns).
College students know that learning experience practicing, after she allegedly did not know. Distrust of physicians, lawyers, engineers, accountants, architects, economists, precisely because they have experience, because they learned that in order to distinguish those who know of those who do not know, titles are not worth the paper they are written. Have seen donkeys with Bachelors and Masters PhDs who come to teach and conduct research centers that come to handle millions and have much power.
impostors is significant that achieve practice, teaching, presenting papers, receive awards and have authority, not from ignorance, but among colleagues.
Not long ago the Ministry of Health with qualified experts investigated the authenticity of the signatures of 80,000 medical degrees, which fell following a gang of counterfeiters. But note the enormity of the act: the falsification did not came to the fore in practice. Would expect that in a Physician, the unprofessional behavior of the fakes put them in evidence Physicians at the truth. However, the forgery was discovered and investigated by means documentary, through the verification of signatures, stamps and records, that is, as it investigates a title. Is not this an eloquent demonstration of what the titles mean?.
Can you really say that the fakes were not doctors, whether in practice could not see the difference?.
is also significant that in practice, many graduates of other specialty roles, without anyone noticing the difference. This leads to curious extremes. Teachers and academic director of a new special diploma often do not, although they are the authorities on the subject. Absurdly, people give excuses for these situations as if they were unfortunate anomalies. As if it was normal to know what academic year. By contrast, the abnormal would find a professional whose knowledge coincide precisely with what he studied, he was able to pass all the exams passed and he did not know more than that. Completed almost everything is forgotten (thankfully, in many cases). Almost everything we know is learned later.
The true function of a certificate is not certified learning, but given the opportunity to learn. With a title is accessible to power, to the faith of others, to relationships, to contacts, confidential information, to places, to instruments, to the budgets, the privilege of exercising. A title is a carte blanche to charge for learning.
Formerly (and still in the case of juniors) the regular mechanism to provide access to power was the accident of birth. What was an aristocrat, not having a farmer to become king?. Essentially the opportunity. No blue blood or divine origin. Neither specialized studies. Hereditary titles were a mechanism of allocation of privileges, as there may be others, for example, the simple lottery. Buddhists Tibetans believe the Dalai Lama when he dies, is reincarnated in a child. The monks go out to find him among the people, according to some signs and found the child and take him, educate him and finally rise to the throne. Unbelieving eyes seen is a random mechanism of recruitment. Any child treated as if the Dalai Lama comes to be. The same applies to the son of a king.
awareness that social roles are not inherent in individuals with essentially the same appears to be involved in many legends that by accident and another reason a child is replaced by a change of circumstances with dramatic results. This dramatic and consciousness random, theater of human life can be in life is sleep. Although the immediate issue is predestination, highlights the relativity of the papers, Calderon is able to do with unbelieving eyes the titles of nobility.
Interestingly, scientists today believe us and even egalitarian, we can not do with unbelieving eyes of academic qualifications, which are also a mechanism to define who are the privileged. If the civil registry offices have an access terminal to a central computer that randomly assigned from the birth certificate, academic qualifications (with proper planning in appropriate proportions as required national), and hopefully children from infancy were lawyers, doctors, engineers, and to finish high school instead of going to college, go to work in public offices, offices, hospitals (provided, of course, with treatment privileged opportunities to learn, power, prestige, income) in fact would become lawyers, doctors, etc. Its not going to college would make no difference, because the basic function of the university, which is to assign privileges, would be accomplished by extending the birth certificate.
Nothing prepares for life outside of life. There is no such place offshore, outside of life, where listening to explanations theoretical skills acquired. There has to be inept presidential acts and underserved patients. No way to save money. You learn to exercise, which is inevitable for the exercise inept. It is assumed that on a temporary and controlled in some way, but nothing guarantees that this transience or control. No, of course, the title. In professional circles often circulates horror stories of working life, is also known that, without going to such extremes, ineptitude is normal, everyday, common. The best universities are able to see to disbelieve their own eyes to know (let alone that of others).
is not easy. There are economic interests social, mythological, own and collective, against him. If you practice a profession, it is possible, but difficult to see her with unbelieving eyes when, after many years of teaching and learning, one comes to see clearly what knowledge is limited in practice. More seriously still, the patients themselves are nervous when trying to demystify the know. Prefer to have faith in an innocent who still do not realize how little we know, a cynic who seems to know or a father figure who knowingly, with all the ambiguity and even conflict of interest case not out of the unconscious patient. It is perhaps more difficult still have the maturity of a paciente que no descarga su responsabilidad en una figura paterna, en un cínico o en un inocente. Que no se hace ilusiones sobre el o la responsabilidad profesional de ningún profesionista, y que sin embargo los consulta y los toma en cuenta, sin abdicar de su propia responsabilidad, porque sabe que, finalmente, eso es lo que hay, y con esos bueyes hay que arar.
Pero lo común es que el paciente, el cliente, el público, tenga un interés creado en creer, en descargar su responsabilidad en el que se supone que sabe. Sirve psicológicamente: para asumir el papel de feligrés, ya sea entusiasta o resentido. La gente no quiere ni sabe que, en algún grado, siempre está en manos de la ineptitud, la irresponsabilidad or chance. Not even want to think that, necessarily, of a thousand or ten thousand operations that fall under the area of \u200b\u200ban alleged professional competence, all have to be at some point in the cycle of the experience of those who exercise: a zero, other in X , others zeta. But Who would like to accept that this operation will make it one in which the practitioner is inexperienced, or have bad experiences? Who would like to accept that there must be a first time in which the surgeon wielding the scalpel to this operation, in which the lawyer is responsible for the first time such an issue?. For that invented the rites of passage. To alleviate the anxiety produced by the incompetence, for supposing banished, temporarily under control. But is not it a contradiction to modern knowledge, critical, progressive, godless, rests ultimately on ancient superstitions?. Today, we
unbelieving eyes the ancient indigenous beliefs, medieval or archaic benefit certain minorities. Not a bad method, though it has its limits mythological vested interests are not reducible to economic vested interests, but, curiously, the method falters against vested interests modern mythology, science, socialism, progress. We feel like San Manuel Bueno Martir, the priest who stopped believing Unamuno but continued officiating compassion for the faithful, not discourage. It seems terrible to destroy the faith. And it must be said, though there are beneficiaries of faith in science, socialism, etc., Also in this case the vested interests can be reduced to mere mythological economic interests.
There is something deeper, without being able to ignore the other, the many advantages of managing the faith of the faithful. Faith is
credit, professional titles have some financial shares: they are part of an accreditation system similar to that which led the central bank. Just as the State promoted the centralization of legitimate violence is no longer tolerated in a modern state, a revolutionary general, a province, a private bank issues its own currency. In the same direction, still tolerates the issue of professional qualifications for various educational institutions, but increasing degree, subject to central accreditation. It is not inconceivable that the titles become issued by one institution, equivalent to the central bank. Would have some advantages: First, for standardization. Currently there is a folk variety of titles, from dance to doctor degree in international relations; Variety often refers to virtually the same (many variants of engineering degree for example, and, sometimes, by contrast, gives the same title to different studies). Not to mention the problem of bilimbiques, ball weights, blankets and low law many titles. Here also of Gresham's Law: bad money just to good, and would have its advantages a single emission source.
But do not expect, naively, that it could stabilize the currency holder. Rather, the estandarizaría in what it's worth, the law would be little central, central devaluation. You can plan but not stop, the deterioration of two things will get worse: The traffic and higher education. In the automobile and the crystallized degree many vested interests: Mythological, psychological and economic. Are simultaneously revered symbols of the mythology of progress, objects of desire and circular letters of marque for privileged. Of course, you have to do with transportation needs and even the desire for knowledge. Of course, transportation and education, as such, support practical solutions. What we can not fix is \u200b\u200bthe contradiction of the myth of progress, according to which all can become privileged minority. By definition, is impossible.
The march of progress, science, socialism does not lead to the disappearance of the privileged few but to be replaced by others. In certain variants of the mythology of progress, this is accepted as natural and even plans to ensure convenient privileged minority (presumably) the rest of humanity: Most people do not privileged, which fits with social realities and very different projects from Plato to San Ignacio De Justo Sierra to Lenin, but contradicts the idea of \u200b\u200bparadise, which is essential in the myth. To resolve this contradiction, we should accept that there may be a haven away from the top, without being part of the elite, whether in this life or another, making sense of marginalization in which it is, as common in many traditions of peasant wisdom (as opposed to progress requires self denial), or looking for exclusion, as in certain urban wisdom traditions, however, considered wise negation of the previous life (beatus ille Horace, resignation convent garden Voltaire, dropping out of bohemia, the damned poets, the hippies), or actively seeking the destruction of the cusp, as in the anarchist traditions.
All this is uncomfortable, seen from above. What, better than being marginalized, so I say okay? And if paradise is mine, how I'm going to leave, instead of using my position to help? And what may be to help but come to paradise and rise to the top? But this is naive or demagogic: The paradise of a privileged minority, by definition not generalizable, which is something contrary, unlike older minorities (who are in receipt of an order believed divine, natural, legitimate), the privileged minorities the culture of progress we're fine but we feel bad. We would like to believe that the contradiction is temporary, which has now reached the summit a privileged minority, which in some ways most, since we are the tip, advanced most, but that in the future, towards which we must go, all will become privileged minority. With humor carioca ("Brazil is the country's future ... and always will be) Mafalda we could say: the culture of progress, today is the most elite in the future ... and always will be.
is remarkable that now, even the eyes are progressive Christians disbelieve the promise of a paradise in another life, as a veil to hide demagogic injustice in it but did not see eye to eye infinite transition to paradise on land, can not make the same criticism of heaven promised in this life ... for future generations. Any transition that takes more than one life, it reaches even a minute after death, is an infinite transition. Whether you take a thousand years or never arrive. If the remaining life expectancy of adults who are offered progress, reform, revolution, say, twenty years, all paradises promised to twenty or thirty years are for the "beyond." Unbelieving eyes seen, there is no practical difference between a peasant offer paradise in another life to offer in this when you have left. With a difference in favor of peasant beliefs, if any way it will not enter paradise while alive, would be very cruel que, al morir, San Pedro o las huríes no estuvieran esperándolo en el otro mundo, sino instalándose en el que dejó. Desde este punto de vista, la mitología del progreso es una mitología cruel, que ni siquiera puede servir de consuelo.
Y, sin embargo, nos repugna ayudarle a que sigan siendo campesinos los que prefieren serlo, con ayudas prácticas, realizables, inmediatas. Nos repugna apoyar la vida al margen de las carreras trepadoras. Sentimos que todos tienen derecho a lo imposible: a tener automóvil, hacer estudios universitarios y trepar a la cúspide. Abogar por ese derecho irrealizable, legítima nuestros privilegios de hecho realizados. Bajo el velo demagógico de la generosidad revolucionaria, are protected. The myth thus reconcile the irreconcilable, hides the insoluble contradiction according to which all can become privileged minority.
With more consistency in the anarchist tradition has come to think of removing the automobile and professional qualifications. But it seems utopian. It is perfectly possible that in the remote interior, the Indians starve without the State too much danger: They can not risk that is not to give any satisfaction, determined to be, to the aspirations of those who have ate and die for a degree, by a car. How realistic would be to accelerate the contradiction. In the case of automobiles, that cost more and serve less and less, as is already happening. In the case of degrees, devaluing: Deal in bulk at the lowest possible cost.
What sense is torture, to difficulties in taking long and congested cities with dedicated students to waste time in getting a degree?
Mexican universities are not worth the cost. They are a kind of potlatch, which is wasteful to gain social status, and to lose (legitimacy) that can not. The methods universities use to produce medieval parchments. Same could produce the birth certificate, as the titles of nobility. Programming computers randomly distributed professional titles, with the birth certificate, would be very cheap and allow huge savings. Shake those machines would be obsolete calls classrooms and congested that burden people who are only interested in the title. It would be possible to focus on what matters: the library, coffee, people with intellectual appetite, regardless of qualifications, in combination with practical experience throughout life. What is the point of losing, say, five years before starting work forty? Instead of working, say, forty hours per week studying five, "over a lifetime?. A sense clarísimo: entrar al mundo por arriba.
Se habla mal del capitalismo monopolista y de los socialismos reales, pero no se habla mal de lo que está detrás de ambos: El capitalismo curricular, la acumulación de méritos, de realizaciones, de lucimiento, de servicio a la sociedad, que permite servirse con la cuchara grande y además ser aplaudido. El capital curricular tiene una buena prensa universal. Ya no creemos en los títulos de nobleza que daban derecho a rentas; que permitían cobrar por ser de buena clase. Perdieron legitimidad las rentas nobiliarias. Pero las rentas curriculares parecen mas legítimas que nunca, En los países socialistas, la acumulación de méritos curriculares es la forma legitimate exploitation. Those with more curriculum can keep the goodwill of those who have less, earn more, eat better, travel abroad, buy at specialty stores, giving orders. The case in the capitalist countries socialized: The State, big business, big labor, big institutions ie administrative sections where the power and privileges acquired by accumulation of curriculum.
But not only in the administrative apparatus. And Wright Mills pointed out at the peak integration of different types of elites, and the existence of the same phenomenon in socialist countries: the senior officials union leaders and parties, the military, the wealthy, the heirs of famous names, great academics, celebrities, artistic, sporting or scientific, are intertwined in the high national and international circles, capitalists and socialists.
Have accumulated schooling, then a scholarship, then a field trip, then a head, have reinvested the proceeds in getting a master's degree: a doctorate, have had such a position, such an award, such an appointment, having published, traveled to a convention giving lectures, be interviewed, be cited, having studied in this part, a disciple of John Doe. Roommate Mangano, Zutano teacher, member the team that won this thing, or of such board, be very well connected, have the right to handle to call, visit, be heard by important people, this is the capital that (fortunately for us) now has a good press and good income : curricular capital.
curricular capital is acquired in many ways. There is a kind of primitive accumulation of physical capital through: leadership that is earned by the wrists, good singing voice, the beauty. There is a kind of expanded reproduction and transformation of the capital: from the beauty, athletic prowess, making a name as a movie star, celebrity make this political capital: Move from here administration, etc. Or: From the guerrilla prowess or physical capital represents share some body (kinship, sex) with the hero of that feat, go to the administration: that and the right door handle heights, becoming a political capital, etc. The structures of credit, in this sense, are to be investigated. There are credits that are earned by way of talent, some by means of relations (with some in both cases of congenital lottery, but the talent and, above all, relationships can be cultivated). There are credits that are earned through school, others by way of accomplishments. The four-way reinforced together the talent, the relationship may provide an opportunity to study, the talent (increasingly less), relations (supposedly becoming less) and having studied (increasingly) may provide the opportunity to exercise. Within each pathway, there is also reinforcement: a recognized achievement provides the opportunity to make more and accumulate more capital curriculum. But the academic route tends to be a vital way, unlike the talent, kinship and accomplishments. If academic credit tends to central accreditation, all forms of capital tend to focus curriculum with academic accreditation: not having a degree has become so expensive, the exclusion implies that the only sensible thing is to keep him at the lowest possible cost. Already have it, multiply the opportunities of talent, relationship, relationships, achievements etc. The titles are like credit cards: credentials to be believed, the cost is charged to those who do not.
Credere: believe, credit, card. Weber showed the evolution of charismatic authority to the bureaucracy. Could say that, in parallel, an evolution of personal prestige credit. They are two sides of the same phenomenon of institutionalization. The prestige, something vague and personal, which is made with the recognition loose scattered, spontaneous, from various people, it is subject (at least as a passageway obligated) to impersonal institutions that grant official recognition certificates: curricular title.
may come a day that can not be a union leader, manager or president, having never learned to be. Therefore, even if not legal, you can not be president without being a university student. There is still a monopoly of graduates in office, but a monopoly of the university. In Mexico today would be inconceivable that Emiliano Zapata was president, the secretary of agriculture and secretary of agrarian reform. For a farmer would have access to power to deny her self: stop being peasants, to become university. Zapata was dismissed as ignorant and villain, but really was not disqualified from having entered a classroom. In Mexico, the villains can take power as long as they receive the necessary training, preferably in our Maximum House of Studies. So also in the private sector self-made bandits are disappearing, replaced, as in the public sector, those pursuing a university degree. Which means, after the revolution, in a post-revolutionary society, where supposedly everyone is entitled to all privileges legitimate are those that can be presented as capable and worthy. Curricular capital rentiers are not seen as landlords and capitalists, but as people prepared, competent and full of merit. Thus, when distributing the cheese, everything seems natural. The capacity for cheese preparation for cheese, cheese merit, they lose sight of the cheese in question: who is entitled to privileged positions in the administrative apparatus, political or cultural.
The illusion that everyone can get everything with the proper academic preparation is mythological. Since then, they may all be owners of small productive investments, including a knowledge capital, expertise and relationships. But that means positions accessible to all and therefore a horizontal organization, rather than pyramidal. For there to capitalism curriculum, there must be monopoly rents, there must be centralism and pyramiding of devices: the only way to have high positions and specialties difficult, but it involves positions that can not be for everyone.
If we were all presidents, no one would. If we all had monopoly positions would no longer be monopoly positions. For we were all business leaders, unions, political parties, companies would have to be a person, an individual trade unions, political parties, of a person. Large companies unions, political parties, governments, require that there is little up, down comforter assuming that everyone can actually deliver everything, and someday it will, with appropriate capacity, preparedness merit, etc. This delusion is shared legitimizing the great pyramids and Socialists headed, not coincidentally, by academics: for those who (once past the turmoil and opportunities to earn a self-made curriculum in business or revolutions) accumulated through legitimate, which is higher education.
But it is a very expensive illusion that blocks what it would be possible: Progress "horizontal." To show their character illusory, nothing would be better to distribute titles on pasture, at the lowest possible cost. This should be done, of course, in general, devaluing all the titles, not from certain institutions or careers. A practical and easy to move in this direction would be to generalize the automatic pass, reducing all races two or three years; Delete the thesis and the final exam: Prohibit anyone start a master's without having at least five years of practical experience so far to study: to establish a tax on capital that represent professional qualifications, for example: 2% additional income tax for each year of schooling that requires title after school. Ie a five-year license would cause 10% on taxable income normal tax.
I wish one day all come to a title. Only then will become clear that for purposes of knowing, a title and nothing is the same. Only then will cancel the titles as a means of allocation of privileges. Naturally, others will thrive, as usually seen when too many graduates to the top and is no longer possible to login or close the door to academic criteria, that too true: the relationship becomes (literally) capitals, starting with the kinship and neighborhood is to have curriculum elements common: they were born, where it, considering where it, where the same work, being in the same party, etc. But
ruin universities as climbing routes, would have advantages for those with intellectual appetite, regardless of qualifications, and (utopian) would designate a method favored by more equitable: a simple lottery.
* The magnificent Mexican writer Gabriel Zaid