Friday, July 16, 2010

Croscill Discontinued Patterns

A day without advertising ... but See the paper only publish unpublished photo

A strange case of communication behavior within the Bolivarian Revolution

Alejandro Ruiz

How to decrypt the communication policy and action of the revolutionary government of Venezuela? Analyze

ie advertising, propaganda-of the various state institutions in the media is one of the themes that would help unravel this mystery, in the heat of battle, national and international media.

advertising is not just message is also financial resources to support media, and misinformation as well.

The Bolivarian Revolution bold initiatives have emerged. As that of "granting Revócale lies" to address the case of RCTV in 2007. Or the campaign "Free yourself from the media," to counter the challenge of the IAPA meeting in Caracas in 2009.

So when on Thursday July 8, 2010 reviewed the pages of revolutionary See, I can not think of anything else but think that the Bolivarian government had promoted the campaign "A day without advertising." At first I was glad, because a lot of Me free advertising saturation of consumerism that assaults us everywhere and at all times.

Although advertising-propaganda-government has a very different view of consumerism, I thought, to set an example, the day the Ministry of Communication had been ordered not to publish or official notice, by any means, even a leftist daily . In the Community Media order would be easier to enforce because the government advertising is the exception, not the rule.

Then, I got excited imagining the calm visual, auditory and subconscious to create the national campaign and internationally, "A day without advertising, on 08 July each year. Nothing

advertising. There would be no privilege for anyone. Even for the experienced daily Journalist Day founder and member of the PSUV, Guillermo Garcia Ponce. "The example comes from home," he said, believing in my naive assumption. And until I screamed in a frenzy a couple of slogans: "So, so, so that rules!", "The media are the people, not the bourgeoisie!".

Immediately, spontaneous and fulfilling my constitutional right to social comptroller any revision up to four times the 40 See diary pages to verify that the Bolivarian government, in a sample of communications coordination rarely seen - at last!, I thought, "I was giving an example to demand" A day without advertising "in all media and spaces .

And indeed, not an advertising page in the newspaper had See on 08 July. Except for the "undisciplined" Vice President of the Republic published a half page black and white advertising a concert by the Symphony Orchestra, and the Latin American Parliament published a quarter page black and white greeting the arrival of the remains symbolic of Manuela Sáenz . Any penalty will be applied to these two "counter" will not mitigating, but have been published in economy. Of the remainder, zero advertising ... but only in the newspaper See .

Out of curiosity I bought the Journal of the Cadena Capriles, Latest News ( A) to compare how they meet the imagined event "A day without advertising" by the various agencies of the Revolutionary Government. Do not expect much attachment of private entrepreneurs, as consumerism is part of their reason to exist, but the socialist government budget managers.

was assumed that if the revolutionary newspaper See not enough to have a government advertising page, Latest News least, I thought, by simple logic.

took with both hands the copy of Latest News Thursday July 8, 2010, and looking into the eyes of Cardinal Urosa Savino, who was leaning half his body and smiled at the headlines saying: "The President insults and violates Constitution ", in bold and flanked by two ads and Banesco Cestaticket box, pondered, and the Church is saved from the propaganda and economic power, but the Revolution will overcome and defeat this triad, has at least started down that road.

deep breath and began to review the iconic, massive daily Cadena Capriles. Nine notices advertising in Latest News convinced me that there was such a revolutionary day "A day without advertising" on July 8, 2010. In total, four pages and half paid by various agencies of the Bolivarian Government.

I have had I have no vocation for publicity agent for any media, and in particular what I have my criticisms and observations See revolutionary daily. But the reality of the implementation of government advertising speech: four and a half pages Latest News , less than one in See .

is suitable to investigate who posted the 07/08/2010 at A and not See , because government action has names and surnames, not an abstract "government." There are few more enthusiastic officials and other agencies, and more resources for advertising and other propaganda. It is also necessary to know the advertising fee A is about 35 000 bolivars (35 million advance) by a daily page, and 50 000 (50 million earlier) on Sundays. In See rate is about 22 000 per page, and 30 000 on Sundays. Crazy this advertising rates!

Thus we observe that on Thursday issued notices 08/07/2010 Latest News , and not in the newspaper See : enthusiast Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) published two notices, one page. and a half, the CANTV telephone, Mayor of Caracas / Capital District Government, for the concert Andrés Calamaro, La Electricidad de Caracas, with two ads, half and quarter page, and, with a quarter page. each Administrative Management of the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Government of Aragua and Mercal.

However, it is empirical and its reasoning unjust policies and actions of someone for what happened one day. So I chose to seek a more representative sample for analysis. I waited impatiently for the day's most coveted by the owners of print media, on Sunday. First I checked the newspaper and then See Latest News . See

In the situation had improved markedly on Sunday July 11, 2010. He was 8 advertisements Bolivarian government institutions, for a total of 7 pages. Nothing mal!, después de aquel jueves 08 de julio 2010, en el que algún mensajero malintencionado intercambió las carpetas o los correos con las pautas de publicidad. Esa pudiera ser la explicación de tal diferencia. ¿Qué otra razón habría?

En contraste, al momento de revisar el diario Últimas Noticias del domingo 11-07-2010 esperaba encontrar no más de 3 o 4 avisos de publicidad oficial. Pero no. ¿Adivinen? Había la saturadora cantidad de 17 avisos -sí, 17- pagados por diversos entes del Gobierno Revolucionario, para un total de 12 páginas de publicidad el mismo día; equivalente a unos BsF 600 mil (600 millones de antes), que se transfieren de presupuesto público the finances of the Cadena Capriles, in a day. And Aporrea text message asking to BsF 2.50 for survival as a means revolutionary.

Indeed, government advertising in Latest News is much more than told to by all private companies together, they published 8 pages.

Given this situation, a first question: Who published Sunday in the journal 11/07/2010 and See A ? Are the following institutions: PDVSA-La Estancia (2 notices), Government of Anzoátegui, Supreme Court, Corpoelec, PDVSA, Ministry of Higher Education (Mision Sucre) Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (INSAI). Again

impertinent question arises: Who published on Sunday 11/07/2010 at Latest News and not See ? The list of authorities of the Bolivarian Revolution is: Ministry of Tourism, Public Defender, CANTV, Mercal, the channel TVes, IVSS, Vice-President, Ministry of Education, and even a drawing of the PSUV.

justify the unjustifiable
Faced with this result, with some embarrassment I found myself mulling evil thoughts of why many managers of the Bolivarian Government to fill Latest ads news media and other private and not distribute those resources in ways that support the revolution. But I overcame that weakness "extremist" immediately and in the desire to justify the unjustifiable, I tried other scenarios.

Could it be that when the Bolivarian government awards a prize to a medium or director to be invited speaker at the National Day of the Journalist must then assign less advertising?

Nor should this be the reason, because in addition to Guillermo Garcia Ponce, director of See, also attended and spoke at the event Professor Eleazar Diaz Rangel, who, though not the owner or partner, is the Latest News director .

Or is for the SIP not say there is no freedom of expression?

Surely there must be a good explanation for this strange behavior revolutionary communication within the Bolivarian Revolution. Surely "reasons of state" not all realize.

What I do understand is the message that large banner See journal entry: "Here no one surrenders."

Related article:

The nationalized Banco de Venezuela coup financed daily El Nacional


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