Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Small Blood Clot Week Before Period
I ask first who believe a person has been working hard to make these models before you judge them, be realistic ideas (something you can add or remove without altering the original idea), please.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Intact Hymen Normal Images
- "The important thing is not knowing, but to have the phone you know" - Les Luthiers
- "I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute" - Les Luthiers
- "I want to reach the vitreous humor of your beautiful eyes"
- "Biologists do not think, synapse"
- "Music is art more direct, enters the ear and goes to the heart "- Magdalena Martinez
If I do not some let me know, leave your comments if you want.
How To Fix Disney Bracelet
On Thursday December 10 took several decisions on the course polerón, which report later but first remember that the background image and color of the hat (not exactly what it is but I copied a couple of image) are:
- the girl's hair longer
logo to front of polerón said there would be a cassette that had been proposed, instead you use the name of the school, "Carmela Carvajal de Prat top, 4 ° H with simple letter to the environment, and the unadorned name down (like the Rosvita). Is to decide which colors go.
Friday, November 20, 2009
How To Hide Tongue Piercings
The Venezuelan opposition illustrated that for 40 years controlled the absolute power to govern because she knew he could write well, not like those "bands of lumpen-government (...) and military bandalaje now governs us, unable to learn and respect the language that identifies us. " So we 'reported' with nostalgia an editorial in El Nacional . But sometimes happens that even the most vile slanderer is drowned in his own hatred.
The bourgeoisie and its parties ruled Venezuela assimilated so well that left a million and half illiterate for the Chavez government's literacy and will provide free access to the university to another both excluded.
If something does not forgive the bourgeoisie and 'cultured people' to Hugo Chavez and his humble followers, in addition to the political, economic, social and cultural trying to build, is that people 'inferior' to their status and refined Glamour now Oil govern this country without seeking permission. And more seriously, as these great men of the opposition, is the suffering of being governed by ordinary beings who make mistakes in spelling, grammar that do not grow, do not care about syntax or calligraphy Palmer. In short, true 'hordes of the dictatorship' that torture civil society with such human rights violation of his superior intellect.
The array of opinion in the private media is to dilute the historical reality of class struggle and present the current confrontation as a struggle between civilization and barbarism revolutionary between neoliberal modernity and backwardness of socialism. The idea is to try to assert that the ruling bourgeoisie is intelligence and that the insurgent people is ignorance. The newspaper El Nacional is a sample of this systematic campaign. E n
editorial on 12/09/2009 (p. 8N), entitled "missed opportunity", the distinguished ladies and gentlemen of The National mock a once painted slogans on the walls of the Central Bank of Venezuela a group of supporters of President Chávez. Giggle furiously with a member of the Venezuelan Academy of Language note:
The pints were written by "... the bands of lumpen-government (...) Most of these attacks were adorned misspelled very own military bandalaje now governs us, unable to learn and respect the language that identifies us. "
also assure us the guardians of the paradigms that written phrase El Nacional, nor the parliamentarians of the National Assembly can write and therefore does not make laws as good as before. At least not as they had drafted the law firms and multinationals such as constitutional scholars who drafted the decree Carmona dictatorship in April 2002.
One of those columnists, in an article titled "Oppressive Pedagogy ( IN , 26.9.2009, p. 9N), writes deputies to the National Assembly (the vast majority Chavez) pass laws "... without even noticing the spelling or the grammar ..." is Cuban, because "... his few life skills ...." Sure, add, they have the skills of parliamentarians before, like Sanchez Bueno, Octavio Lepage, Paulina Gamus, Hilarion Cardozo and Luis Enrique Oberto. The newspaper
El Nacional to readers are highly educated, and also write articles on "Functional illiteracy" to refer to President Chavez and his cabinet ( IN , 09.18.2009, p. 8C) . Because "... if reading comprehension and knowledge speak, then we must say that the country is led by an illiterate sect ineffective." VENEZUELAN LOCADEMIA
LANGUAGE turns out that Miguel Henrique Otero, current owner of El Nacional, is such a concern for the good talk and good writing that among the managers of their right-wing movement has an individual 2D Number of the Venezuelan Academy of Language. It also has in his newspaper and M2D members of other academies, so know that the 'Chavez' and the Chavez government intended to make a revolution with the participation of "bands lumpen ruling (...) unable to learn and respect the language that identifies us. "
Nothing comparable to the wisdom of those who ruled in illo tempore. They rule because they knew could write well.
So how do you doubt what is written El Nacional? People as educated and enlightened as we said in an editorial entitled "War on Freedom" (18-09-2009, p. 8N), that freedom of expression is "... subject of the most obsessive attacks by the Government Bolivarian .... " That is, people can hardly reactionary opposition expressed in this country and only 75% cornering mass media distribution in print, audiovisual and radio.
But, continues the editorial, the problem is more serious because it is "a ghost that runs through South America." And worse!, It is a ghost interventionist. Yes, written with s, and because I have no doubt whether it is published in El Nacional . I therefore invite the President Chavez, Chavez's supporters and all supporters of the Bolivarian Revolution to read the final paragraph of this editorial to "learn and respect the language that identifies us, as it should be:
" Argentina has set the pace Venezuela. The bill approved places in the hands of the executive authority interventionist to be used in a punitive manner. "
You know, that does not happen to a "lumpen official" writing on walls: "Out Yankees interventional bases in South America."
Nor is it happening to any member of the "Cult of illiterate ineffective," that now governs, "without even noticing the spelling errors", writing: "The government increased the price of gasoline." We must learn from the truths journalistic and academic teaching El Nacional, that the March 16, 2009 headlined on its front page and four columns: "The government does not rule out increasing gas pressures, with a brand new s.
That happens to these operators of the bourgeoisie and imperialism to disparage the people. With so much hatred and arrogance write the guts take the place of the neurons.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Toddler Sized Wrestling
Popular News Agency .- In its usual weekly radio and television broadcast on Sunday 8 November, the President of the Republic Hugo Chávez Frías, publicly and severely whipped his ministers, deputy ministers, governors and mayors for breaching Bolivarian goals, improvisation in governance, inefficiency and bureaucracy at different levels and agencies.
the issuance of Alo Presidente N º 343, from the plains of Acarigua city, the national president of the Bolivarian Revolution leader criticized the lack of coordination and planning among senior officials. "They have to plan," he said to claim the powerful Minister of Public Works and Housing, the former vice president and former governor Diosdado Cabello, delivery of a lot of homes for rent without having completed the relevant projects of productive employment and community services.
addition, in the act planted two deputy ministers to respond to the delay in project implementation. "If no response is better than saying 'do not know." None of justifications, make-believe, of 'we're at it', 'is expected'. If I was supervisor of you would tighten the nut; revolutionary discipline is needed, because the people expect solutions and ultimately the responsibility of all Chavez ", he questioned communities present, who applauded the public reprimand
"I ask you to give face to the people. We have to assume the faults publicly, it is necessary to assume responsibilities, that makes a revolutionary" demanded the ministers, deputy ministers, governors and mayors Bolivarian.
President Chavez also urged to review "how much is in waste, cost, bureaucracy, we must be efficient to promote socialism." "That's another thing, I hear very few talking about socialism, revolution, remain in superficial. I demand commitment!, and can not, compadre, who will stand, "he added, while recommending them senior officials take a course in strategic planning as well as reading and discussing the classics of Marxism.
The harsh criticism and self-critical of Chavez himself agreed with a recent editorial in the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), an ally of Venezuelan leader since his first presidential campaign in 1998. The document, published four days before the program Alo Presidente in his newspaper Tribuna Popular No. 171, titled "For if we improvise, err" and is dedicated to the need to plan for no err, to paraphrase a thought from the teacher Simón Rodríguez.
The PCV notes that in December 2009 and met "11 years of the great popular success." And while acknowledging that "the best for Venezuela was the initiation in 1998 of this qualitatively new stage of national liberation revolution, which was a break in the neoliberal policy", warned that "in an increasingly large sector of the Venezuelan population , calan no justifications' puntofijismo forty years', the 'previous governments' ad for' big plans, axes, objectives .... "
The common questions in the various levels of government are not "real critical reviews and above all self-criticism of what is done." And that sometimes is to "justify the improvisation that prevails in many of the policies called" strategic. "
They argue that "nothing original, in the anarchy of the capitalist system, that socialist planning (...) guarantee the satisfaction of basic needs of society."
Friday, October 23, 2009
How Install Tile Around A Tub
The rector of the Private Catholic University Andrés Bello (UCAB), Father Luis Ugalde, who a month before the coup of April 2002 blessed the covenant of entrepreneurs, media owners, political and military opposition that overthrew President Hugo Chavez has revealed a newspaper article that the opposition "Some want to leave him [Chavez] by any means, without doing the work necessary democratic." Ugalde
recognized this reality in his column published on Thursday 22 October 2009 in the newspaper El Nacional (p. 9Nación). The article entitled "Dead" confirms that, in the words of an asset and notorious anti-Chavez, who did some sectors of the opposition prepared to liquidate the President Chavez issue have tried to trivialize and ridicule the private media and spokesmen for the counter-revolution in Venezuela and abroad.
The rector of the UCAB should know more than he has publicly confessed, given their experience with the conspirators recognized that along with the dictator Pedro Carmona soon hatched and succeeded-for 47 hours, the overthrow of Chávez in 2002.
An information note from the unsuspicious BBC agency, dated March 6, 2002 and entitled " Venezuela: Chavez post-plan, review the outstanding participation and influence of Luis Ugalde in preparations for the fascist coup of April 11, 2002:
"The business and trade union opposition in Venezuela, with the support of the Catholic Church, presented on Tuesday [03/05/2002] the basis for a transitional government plan to run after what they see impending ouster of President Hugo Chávez .(...) The priest Luis Ugalde, president of Catholic University, was commissioned to express' the happiness "of the leadership of the Catholic Church for the document called 'Guidelines for a Democratic Agreement', which is estimated to join political parties and other sectors of the opposition."
this background it is worth asking the rector Ugalde details on who those who "want to get rid of Chavez by any means."
Monday, October 5, 2009
Curtains To Match Teal Walls
An example of inconsistency between discourse and practice in the Bolivarian Revolution
Alejandro Ruiz
What is better than receiving a large soft loan from a bank?: Receive from the bank a big advertising account.
The new revolutionary leadership of the Bank of Venezuela nationalized in 12 weeks of governance, has 72 paid advertisements in the newspaper El Nacional coup and only 3 in the leftist daily See , and no notice in popular alternative and community media to support President Chávez.
Before continuing, it is necessary to clarify that coup journal in the past tense is not April 2002. It is also present. To dispel any doubt about innocent, just see a few news, editorials and opinions expressed in the pages of National The recent weeks and spread very well accompanied with advertising nationalized Banco de Venezuela.
coup do not call the owners of National The news only criticisms publican a diario contra el gobierno, ni siquiera por la manipulación mediática en sus páginas. En realidad nos referimos a la reincidente incitación al golpe de Estado contra Chávez y la Revolución Bolivariana que se cultiva casi todos los días desde El Nacional .
Si la crítica, ciertamente, es revolucionaria y sirve para algo más que para herir susceptibilidades, entonces es tiempo de cuestionar con fuerza la más evidente muestra de incoherencia entre el discurso y la praxis de la política comunicacional en la Revolución Bolivariana: el financiamiento publicitario desde el Gobierno Revolucionario a los medios golpistas que le quieren derrocar, como el caso de El Nacional The far right-wing organization through 2D subversive movement, both-press and brotherhood, led by Miguel Henrique Otero.
For now, let us continue to show the numbers of such inconsistency.
In terms of money, in just 12 weeks, the owners have The National Bank of Venezuela received a generous amount of 3 million Bolivars (BsF 2.94 million, to be exact), equivalent to $ 1.4 million, by way of advertising. To continue this policy of transferring resources through advertising guidelines at the end of 2009 the opposition newspaper have received libelous Bolivars 6.4 million, about $ 3 million, the budget of the new financial entity of the Bolivarian Government, whose nationalization was completed on July 3, 2009.
not include payments for another 2.5 million dollars, made to El Nacional by the English consortium Grupo Santander bank's previous owner, from January to June 2009, while negotiating the nationalization announced Chavez in July 2008 (1).
quickly verify these calculations, according to a simple study from the first week of nationalization until the last week of September 2009:
1 .- The Bank of Venezuela published in El Nacional an average of 6 weekly announcements, which includes a total of 3.5 large-format pages (standard paper) in full color and privileged location, which amounts to BsF estimated $ 245,000 per week (245 million old, equivalent to $ 110,000).
2 .- By multiplying that figure by 12 weeks, confirmed that the bank has transferred the newspaper El Nacional the amount of BsF 2.94 million from July to September 2009.
3 .- In a period of 26 weeks, from July to December 2009, will have accumulated BsF 6.37 million, about $ 3 million in advertising.
If for some figures seem somewhat exaggerated, it is noteworthy that rates of the National are the most expensive in the print media in Venezuela. For example, a full-color advertising in the last entire page, a Sunday, now costs 102,000 BsF daily (102 million old ones, about $ 50,000). Monday through Saturday, depending on location, the same page, full color BsF costs between 60,000 to 77,000 daily BsF (2).
add that the Bank of Venezuela has traditionally been one of the most powerful advertisers in the country, surpassed only by the telecom company Movistar (Telefonica Group), and slightly, Banesco. The bank's advertising account in 2009 is estimated at 40 million Bolivars, about 18 million dollars.
The impact of the advertising account of the Bank of Venezuela in the Venezuelan media has been so great in recent years that the magazine Product (February 2007) outlined that by the year 2007, the account amounted to 30,000 million VEB old, some 14 million dollars, and was driven by the transnational Mindshare, a subsidiary of the largest media consortium of the world, WPP, based in London and New York. Then, from early 2007 the bank account came to be administered by another large consortium global media, Publicis Groupe, based in France.
cake also participates bank media agency The Creative Bus, a derivation of ARS Advertising, which since late 2005 until recently has been responsible for the design of image and advertising campaigns of the Bank of Venezuela.
As seen, the bourgeoisie has no hesitation in managing your advertising arsenal, their capitalist firms, advertising agencies, journalists and mass media have a close relationship of mutual sustainability. Why a company or institution of a revolutionary government has to continue to contribute to that strategy?
On Monday September 21, 2009, President Chavez attended the event to promote the "Best New Bank of Venezuela", also called "Relaunching the Bank of Venezuela." With a deeper red intense and triangulated tricolor logo logo replacing the former English Grupo Santander, visually the bank wearing a new image.
A few minutes after the presentation, Chavez himself took care to point out that not enough to change the color and logo to be different from the past. Among the things he did and said, I urge the new authorities of the bank to break old patterns and to make the institution at the forefront of the public banking for the Transition to Socialism. When completed the nationalization, July 3, 2009, had expressed similar orientation.
is not the case refer to what they call "financial intermediation function of banks, not now. But if you think that in a country where financial activity is the most profitable businesses, credit is not the only way of distributing resources from the bench. The banks also distribute the money for their millionaire operations when buying goods and services according to their interests and allies. Advertising spending is one of those other visible forms of transfer resources to the media.
In this context, and after 12 weeks under the Revolutionary government administration, it is absurd that the new leadership of the Bank of Venezuela nationalized continue the same policy of promotion and advertising guidelines set by the transnational Grupo Santander.
The same media. in national circulation print media, publications continue to focus, exclusively, in two newspapers: Latest News and Nacional . They also continue the pattern of Banco de Venezuela in consortia of private radios, openly opposing the Chavez government, as the Circuit X , Melody Circuit and Circuit Radio Union.
private channel Venevision, owned by billionaire Gustavo Cisneros, the media is another important benefit from advertising bench now. In addition, you can see the new look of the new Bank of the Bolivarian Revolution in cable channels, so distant from this process of change, as Warner Channel , E! Entertainment and A & E Channel .
not have the same "lucky" community media and revolutionaries, as the weekly themes Venezuela, portal Aporrea , TV channel or Petare First Black Radio, and many others struggling stoically to keep the air very little support volunteer and institutional advertising.
The same lineup of advertisers. Moreover, the Bank of Venezuela continues to registered member # 5 of the National Association of Advertisers (ANDA), an exclusive cartel of 63 large capitalist corporations and Venezuela, which under the cynical slogan "Freedom to choose, freedom to announce "are clumped together in concert to deliver their annual advertising expenditures millionaires to the media in capitalist interest.
In ANDA's website ( www.andaven.org / new ) explain their rationale, as follows: a group of companies "... for the defense and professional improvement of its communication activities in order to efficient investment (...) framed within ethical and legal standards of free enterprise and market economy. " The
Affiliates Directory ANDA financiers known companies are registered in preparation for the April 2002 coup and the ongoing conspiracy against the Bolivarian government, as Alfonso Rivas & Cia (The owner is president of the NGO neoliberal Cedice) Kellogg `s, Epa, Empresas Polar, Coca-cola, Farmatodo, Procter & Gamble, Motorola, Movistar (Telefónica), Nestle, Bimbo, Bayer, Bacardi (illegal) and the seven major private banks, among others.
I say more. The Director of Legal Affairs is the active ANDA coup attorney Juan Manuel Raffalli , an adviser of Pedro Carmona during his brief stay in Miraflores dictatorial. And many of the companies affiliated to the NCA, including the then privatized CANTV, financed by advertising Extra Edition El Nacional on 11th April 2002 on its front page containing the order to blow etat against Chávez: "The final battle will be in Miraflores."
A similar association is still owned by the nationalized Banco de Venezuela. Another detail to be resolved.
What Reasons of State, what criteria, what obligations are imposed in the current directors of Banco de Venezuela at the time of advertising millionaire financed these private media, and especially a newspaper as El Nacional, almost every day that encourages more open-veiled "in any way overthrow the government of President Chavez, who nationalized the bank to benefit the country and not privileged financial groups or media?
would be very interesting to hear a logical explanation of the new directors of the new Bank of Venezuela, now owned by all Venezuelans and not the Santander Group.
Better yet would be very interesting to know the opinion and the guidelines of the governing body of all the communications policy of the revolutionary government: the Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information (Minci).
revolutionary logic should prevail rather in a scene so stark, and as mentioned, as the media war that exists in Venezuela. In a situation of confrontation between two models antagonistic society, played in all fields of the class struggle, it is imperative to review the role that meet or fail to honor companies and government agencies Bolivariano, including the orientation of its advertising costs as supporters or otherwise of dissemination.
The decision should not be as simple as heading to minimize publicity of the Bank of Venezuela not to continue funding the enemy media owners. That would make the same mistake when Solomon to re-nationalize the largest telecommunications company in the country, and its subsidiary CANTV Movilnet, in private hands that served its role as one of the mainstays of private media, with advertising millionaire, but then, going to the state, did not keep the same proportion of resources to benefit many community media and revolutionaries.
This delayed transition Gramsci, that "it does not stop dying old and the new birth does not end, not enough with the goodwill, which is very important, but not enough in the real world for fight in the field of media war. The most robust
agencies and state enterprises such as the Banco de Venezuela, CANTV, Movilnet, PDVSA, BCV, Minci himself and other authorities should set up a kind of Bolivarian National Association of Advertisers (ANBA) with to reinvigorate, coordinate, and reallocate their advertising spending to provide maximum support to various community media and revolutionaries, also events and programs, not as a gesture of charity but as a consistent communication policy with the speech, the National Project Simon Bolivar and the Bolivarian Constitution.
What the bourgeoisie, while having ownership of the means of production-finance to private media, of course. Which also received the generous support of the revolutionary government is stupid. Or does anyone still believe that the costs of advertising only serves to captivate consumers?
------------------------------ Notes
1. View: Alejandro Ruiz. "Chavez nationalize Banco de Venezuela from English capital, Venezuela Cantaclaro , 07/31/2008. The Venezuelan government signed on May 22, 2009 the contract of sale of the bank's shares with Grupo Santander, for $ 1,050 million, a clause stated that the full administration of the nationalized institution concrete expression to the July 3, 2009 payment of the first installment of 630 million dollars.
2. Published Rates El Nacional, in http://www.el-nacional.com/ .
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Chase Commercial Call Me Song
dear please remember to bring photo collage and ideas the polerón morning.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Full Length Housecoats
do not need to be a communist to suffer the rigors of anticommunism. Look at what is happening to poor Colombian singer Juanes, the collateral victim of morbid phobia for wanting to sing in Cuba this September 20. Of course, the attack is not against the singer, is against the Cuban Revolution and the Communist leadership of the island
right people in the anti-life is an obsession, a reason, or rather, a fear life to lose their privileges.
In the world of the show anyone who does not sing the praises of capitalism or has the audacity to greet a proposal for social transformation is detested and vilified "by communist." In this case the right-wing circles to make concessions. In politics less. Anyone
leader or government that does not pay tribute to neo-liberalism or the illusion of "capitalism with a human face", has won a secure place in the looks of hatred from the anti-Communist right. Venezuela
If the government of President Chavez approved a revamped Education Act, and is qualified by the right wing opposition and the Law "Communist" Education, although the state will continue to ensure, not only the existence of private education, but public subsidy private education business, largely controlled by opposition sectors of the Catholic Church.
And if the international counter-cluster and their news agencies convened a "Global March Against Chávez, no lack of spice in their slogans anti Small announcement:" Chávez No more, No more Communism! ".
It's not surprising that the Chairman of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) type: "What we are now abundant accusations of communism that was launched against the Bolivarian government from the right, in order to blackmail and thus stimulate anti still latent in his bosom and the ruling party "(" On anticommunist "Tribuna Popular , 17/05/2009).
And how anti-communist opinions abound right in the Venezuelan media! Let's look at three of its finest examples of recent publication. AN ANTI
"journalism ethics"
The Latest News daily, published by the Cadena Capriles and largest circulation and government advertising in the country, sold as a means fair and balanced, not a single Communist in his opinion article. Although generously publishes anti furious and furious, as Professor university of "Ethics of Journalism", Gloria Cuenca.
automartirizada The repetitive and UCV professor seems to be paying a penance for having campaigned eternal ever-revolutionary ranks and enjoyed traveling to China-for many years.
"Disasters of communism." This is the evocative title of another article of the opinion of Gloria Cuenca, posted on 8/16/2009 at Latest News . There, as usual every two weeks, he reiterated his anti litany:
"Communism is and was a disaster. It is a nefarious scheme that hates freedom of speech, thought and conscience. Filled with resentment and hatred, with a display of love, false and hypocritical, we already know. "
Communism has not arrived yet, but just in case it is best avoided on time, whatever.
On August 16, 2009, the same day the article by Gloria Cuenca, a regional newspaper published a statement of another Venezuelan opposition figure openly calling the coup against the 'tyrant' Chavez. The strange thing is that the "authoritarian regime" in Venezuela against the instigator does nothing against the media or publishing it.
"Any medium is justified against communism of Chávez. " So called the Venezuelan newspaper El Tiempo (Cumana) the Emeterio Gómez interview, published on 16/08/2009. And it's true he said that ... and more. What
who Emeterio Gómez? An economist, who in 70-80 years moved through the Movement Toward Socialism party. Today, regular columnist for the newspaper El Universal and member of the aggressive neoliberal Cedice NGOs funded by the U.S. agency USAID.
And what did the right anti Emeterio Gómez in the revealing interview? See a single paragraph:
"... any anything to strengthen democracy or communism, which prevent the case of Honduras-justify a coup. In other words, the end justifies the means when the purpose is noble. Where it is not justified. Any means used to confront the totalitarian communist Hugo Chavez is perfectly justified. "
Finally, with such statements, the journalist Igor Molina asks, "You have been described in many ways. How do you feel when you call a fascist? ". And he answers Emeterio Gómez, "- Absolutely nothing."
I say more. The 'fear and persecution' reporting reiterates its called a fascist in his opinion column 08/16/2009 published the same in the national newspaper El Universal . And keep writing, as usual.
For the avoidance of doubt, in his article "Fear of change, I", Emeterio Gómez highlights "the best" of the interview as to ensure proper and wider dissemination of their words. Writes, in dialogue form:
"- ... nothing justifies the absurd and unworkable communism of Chávez, Fidel Castro, Ortega, Correa and Evo Morales."
"But then, Gomez," I have asked the journalist interviewer all the crimes of Bush, torture and rape in Iraq massive human rights are justified on the pretext of the war on terrorism. "
"- not a pretext, Interviewer, is the war on terrorism!" Emeterio Gómez writes the same response.
then justify the dictatorship of Pinochet and the coup against President Allende because "Allende, far from being a Democrat, was a pioneer in that using democracy to impose communism, ie a model of society radically unfeasible inspired by the doctrines of Karl Marx idiots. "
"One last question, Gomez. Why are you so afraid of change? "I asked the interviewer.
"- I fear change? Do not make me laugh. To which I am afraid, as I said it is socialism .... "
A bourgeoisie fears nothing and his cronies of the petty bourgeoisie, but socialism.
WRITE A HIT Recurrent
CARMONA Just a few days, on 05-09-2009, José Curiel published its most recent opinion piece in the newspaper El Universal . You know how I graduated? "Communism!". What a name. But do not get carried away with the title of a Marxist-Leninist, it is Jose Curiel Jose Curiel. Write
this member fee Zionist congregation in Venezuela and former public works minister and former governor of Falcon state governments for AD-copeyanos the Pact of Punto Fijo, the following:
In Venezuela "... it is to forcibly impose a Marxist project, a communist project has failed worldwide and has brought only misery and enslavement of peoples. As they do send surveys are aware that the Venezuelan people is profoundly democratic .... "
However, in the sample of those surveyed Democrats figure José Curiel, who ends his article by calling for overthrow-again-the government of Chávez, "by communist"
"They want to impose a Communist regime, which we will reject all means."
And when Jose Curiel says "by all means", is by all means. Experience has. This character is as a Democrat and this regime as "totalitarian," but so that, having been one of the protagonists Curiel civilian coup that overthrew President Chávez in April 2002, is free, plotting and writing their opinions in the mass media private media, calling for freedom and democracy they shamelessly curtailed during the brief dictatorship of Pedro Carmona.
This man is nothing more and nothing less the same as general secretary of the rightist party Copei clerical and "representing the political parties of Venezuela signed the infamous record of self-proclamation of the dictator Carmona, whose fascist regime ignored the Constitution, dissolved the National Assembly, the Supreme Court and all public authorities, MPs and murderer jailed Venezuelans dead. And only 47 hours in the power of government!
In the field of those who struggle to build socialism it is worth reflecting on these views of spokespersons for the right wing opposition to the Bolivarian Revolution, to not repeat or left blackmail and then attack the communists. Anti-communism is a natural disease of the right, the sad and shameful is to see where some people spread that claims of neo-socialist left, or century.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Aluminum Coffe Pot In Dishwasher
Speaking exclusively to the state television channel VTV, Figuera reported that "one of three military helicopters handed over the border into Venezuela for about 10 minutes, while the other two remained on the edge" of the country.
At the present time the relations between the administrations of President Chavez and President Uribe are tight and in crisis for the operation of seven U.S. military bases in the territory of Colombia, considered a direct threat against the people of the South American region .
"Information of penetration in the country of extreme right-wing armed groups is highly reliable and verifiable. It is a provocation narco-paramilitary government of Uribe to be investigated seriously and should take appropriate actions and formulate appropriate diplomatic protests, "the national parliament.
IS NOT THE FIRST paramilitary incursion
The presence of Colombian paramilitary groups in Venezuela is not new. The most important development in the 10-year rule of President Chavez has been the apprehension and prosecution of some 180 paramilitary discovered on May 9, 2004 at Daktari ranch, near the city of Caracas, owned by Robert Alonso Castro Cuban . In turn
The Venezuelan president said they were "all Colombians, Venezuelans uniforms, military court, white armbands and the Venezuelan flag," and his goal was to threaten the life of Chavez himself and destabilize the constitutional order, creating confusion among the population and the Force Armada de Venezuela. In
border states of Tachira and Zulia, and the capital municipality of Sucre, Miranda state, all regions governed by officials of the Venezuelan right wing opposition, there are growing complaints about the actions and control of Colombian paramilitary groups, made, among others , by former Vice President José Vicente Rangel and journalist.
How To Masterbate Easier
Pachuca, Ciudad Hidalgo state capital, approximately 250 000 inhabitants, is the most densely populated county, 1552 people per km2, accounting for 11% of the total state population.
Located north of Valle de Mexico, 2426 meters above sea level, located just 95 miles north of Mexico City, was founded in 1524 and its history is linked to mining, as they were discovered silver mines since the middle of S XVI.
Formally known as Pachuca de Soto in honor of liberal deputy to the Constituent Congress of 1857, Manuel Fernando Soto Pastrana whose merit was to manage the creation and erection of the present State, when he was Governor of the Second Military District, State of Mexico, now the state Hidalgo. Pachuca
The word comes from the Nahuatl verb pachoa, govern and means "place where the rules", while others say it really means "narrow place."
temperate weather and dry winds from the northeast, with extreme speed 60 to 65 miles per hour, where he is coming to town the name "graceful beauty."
The January 16, 1869 was erected Pachuca in Hidalgo state and was designated its capital.
Pachuca's charms are not few and seduce the traveler. The mere fact of walking in their centuries old streets is a rewarding experience, which enables us to houses and colonial churches, built by the powerful men of the mines. As
attractions of the city, include, but are not restricted only to them, the Monumental Clock, the House Rule and the Temple and former Convent of San Francisco.
Monumental Clock, ultimate symbol of the city of Pachuca, Hidalgo, is in the Plaza Independencia in the Historic Center, began construction in 1904, with principal funding from the mining companies of British origin who operated in the state of Hidalgo, was inaugurated on September 15, 1910 to commemorate the centenary of Independence under a project by architect Thomas Lamb and built by engineers and Luis Francisco Hernandez Carreon.
The clock, which sets the pace and the future of the city, has a carillon (set of bells that produce a harmonic sound) replica of Big Ben in London, because both were manufactured by the same company.
With the intention that their peals were heard throughout Pachuca, was placed on top of a tower 40 feet, four levels and four identical covers directed towards the four cardinal points, is a neoclassical style and features arches, columns and friezes Mexican eagle flanked by pre-Hispanic, also has an auction of copper produced in Monterrey, home to eight different bells that sound every 15 minutes.
In its third level include four beautiful female figures, three meters high, made of Carrara marble, symbolizing Reform (1859), La Libertad (1810), Independence (1821) and the Constitution (1857) .
La Casa del Conde Rule, Victorian style with beautiful windows, beautify the urban landscape of the city since 1880, being the residence of Francis Rule, a man enriched by mining.
S Built in the late nineteenth, by the wealthy mining Francisco Rule, English-born businessman, owner of the major mining company at the time, is another interesting examples of architecture of the time porfiriana.
House is a building on two floors around a central courtyard, its main facade is crowned by an attic which gives it a Europeanized. The front door of the house has proprietaries neoclassical influences on several elements: pilastrillas holding an entablature with pediment party, other circulars, cornices, brackets and scallops with stems quarry.
have a front garden bounded by a fence that was curious have three openings at the bottom through which employees were paid by the mining company.
The top of the building protects several stained glass, one in the office of the secretary general of the presidency, presenting a circular geometric pattern of flowers and plant motifs, with the initials at the top "F. R "(Francisco Rule), and the date 1869.
The building has a wooden mezzanine, wallpaper on the walls, doors and windows of wood, like a baseboard. The fittings, latches and hinges are quite interesting for their intricate carving.
The Hidalgo state authorities purchased the property in 1942 to become the Government Palace, a condition that continued until 1971, when the facilities were transferred to the High Court of Justice. Since 1985 is the seat of the Municipality of Pachuca.
Temple and former Convent of San Francisco, baroque architectural colossus whose construction began in 1596 under the direction of Fray Francisco de Torantos, was completed in 1660 by the Franciscans.
Its facade is of simple proportions, Baroque and inside are vestiges of the work sixteenth century, the ribbed vault.
In the sacristy and vestry, preserves a beautiful set of carved stone sinks made, one with beautiful tile plaques Talavera of Puebla, with a zoomorphic landfill.
contains valuable oil paintings of the eighteenth century, an impressive altarpiece Churrigueresque. The cloister annex was completed in 1604 and had several uses largely ruined it, although today it is restored and houses the Cultural Center Hidalgo.
first heard about the mines of Pachuca says Alonso Rodríguez Salgado, overseer of a small stock room, he found, to go private farms, very few veins rich silver complaint to Gregorio Montero, in Mexico City in 1552, initiating a benefit system called casting, stirring Pb metals undergoing heat until the metal slipped into molds, which are expensive for the amount of firewood consuming.
Bartolomé de Medina in 1555 implemented the method of amalgamation or court benefit "that struck the costs and allowed the mines of poor performance.
In 1747, by flooding the Pachuca mines, neighboring villages were nearly depopulated. In 1749 Pedro Romero de Terreros, Conde de Regla and Jose Alejandro Bustillos Bustamante and obtained the concession to exploit the mines of Pachuca, draining shots from the mines, leaving bare the vein The Biscayne.
Conde Under Rule administration, his two sons and her grandson, the production of the mines of Pachuca reached its highest level, mainly in Real del Monte.
Pedro Romero de Terreros, born in Huelva in 1710, died in San Miguel ruler, New Spain in 1781. This noble English industrial and came to New Spain at the age of 22 years, becoming Mayor Alferez Real and Constable of the City of Querétaro. Noting that the town of Real del Monte were large veins of silver, gold and other minerals are moved to that site in 1743, accumulating enormous wealth. Romero de Terreros
was noted for his philanthropic activities, ordered by the king as a Knight of Calatrava, getting from Carlos III of Spain, the title of Count, choosing himself as the "Count of Regla" for his devotion to the Virgin of Regla.
Large veins of Real del Monte did to Pedro Romero de Terreros the richest man in America, was the owner of the Hacienda Santa Maria Regla and San Miguel Regla, the latter, built in the eighteenth century as an important center Business today is distinguished by its colonial essence has become, since the early 50's, in a splendid hotel of admirable architecture, which stands out as a dream place suitable for the comfort and relaxation.
In this set you can see the town and the chapel that still stand, the luxurious hotel is located a few kilometers from the municipal seat of Huasca de Ocampo.
Nearby, there is a natural wonder known as the basalt prisms, which are incredible geometric basalt columns located at the foot of a cliff washed by the waters of the San Antonio Dam.
In 1848 Beistegui Nicanor Manuel Escandon and formed the Society of Real del Monte and Pachuca, increasing the production of silver, based on 1860, the Ecole Pratique Mining Engineers.
Real del Monte Company in 1906 sold its name, assets and concessions to the United Status Minning Co. Refininng Smelting and changing the court benefit by cyanide-based chemical reactions, faster and cheaper, transferring the property to federal government in 1947.
The drainage of the mines were used winches, Nahuatl malacatl, Malani "twist" ácatl "reed": reed to bend, was the rigging to descend into the mines or to take of them men, minerals and water to move 28 winches, it takes the force of 1200 men and 400 horses.
"The Silver Pachuca was famous worldwide, the Turks in Jerusalem did not receive the silver bars if they did not record the name of Pachuca, which they said Pachocha, a term that was synonymous with wealth.
Under a lease agreement with the third Earl of Rule, in 1824 became the first English Pachuca to explode the mines until 1848.
In London, founded the Company of Gentlemen Adventurers in the Mines of Pachuca who for 24 years, mechanized operation, remained a source of work and expanded the network of roads that connected the mouths of the shots with the estates of profit rooted at this time certain British customs and Pachuca Real del Monte.
Currently in the UK, there is the Cornish Mexican Cultural Society, originating in the towns of Camborne and Redruth, Cornwall, which have been twinned with Pachuca and Real del Monte, strengthening the bonds that have since 1824, that came from Veracruz one thousand five hundred tons of machinery at the expense of the Cornish, Celtic ethnic group that inhabited Cornalles peninsula, southwest of England, who enjoyed the reputation of being considered the best miners in the world.
The Cornish, like all brought their own culture and traditions so they came up with the famous Cornish Pasty, pie filling typical of Cornwall, who adapted to the Mexican territory, changed his name to paste pasty.
remain as vestiges of the English Cemetery in Real del Monte, the Methodist Church, the Cornish mining heritage of Pachuca and Real del Monte, the residence of Francis Rule of Camnborne, Pachuca clock that chimes with the same tone of Big Ben of London and of course the pastes.
The paste, degeneration of the word pasty, which was the old English lunch of miners, has become the typical dish of Real del Monte.
is a pie made from flour, butter or butter and salt (sometimes flaky), traditionally stuffed beef, potatoes, leeks or onions, Although there are different combinations of ingredients of Mexican cuisine: beans, mole or candy.
was brought by the British in the nineteenth century came to exploit the silver mines, as it was cooked for lunch in the mines because of its ease of transportation and tasting.
The traditional potato paste, on the shore have a braid made with the same stuff and they say the bank was the only part of the paste that did not eat, because in the mines could not wash hands so taking the paste for that edge and so did not touch the paste with dirty hands.
Manuscripts potato pastes are, and they kept the heat and lunch still kept hot, the train that are on the side, was taking them to the party and not eaten by miners, because it usually hurt the hands become contaminated by dusty, and today has changed greatly paste, but there are still small venues that keep the original recipe and the true essence of traditional paste. Curiosity
Football was brought to Mexico by the English of SXIX who came to exploit the silver mines of Pachuca, first played by Cornish miners in Pachuca. Technical and English miners of Real del Monte Company and Pachuca were the year 1901, formed the first football team Soccer in Mexico (Pachuca Atlethic club), six years earlier that inaugurated the first Mexican League soccer.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Red Rash Looks Like Scratches
Its name comes from the Nahuatl xochitl, flower, milli, cultivated field, and co, location: "In place of the sowing florida" or calpulis form 17 districts with its chapels around the central plaza.
The northern part of the delegation for the glass of the ancient Lake Xochimilco, where traditionally grown vegetables, vegetables and flowers. It has long been the tourist center, but the advance of urban sprawl, the channels have been blinding, the chinampas are increasingly being invaded and colonial plaza has become a parking lot, suffering from the depredations of ahuejotes, endemic tree, the lakes of Mexico. It's still a place worth visiting.
The Xochimilco, one of the seven Nahuatl tribes, to 900, were the first to reach the Basin of Mexico, Xochimilco founded in 919, in the fifteenth century were submitted by Nezahualcoyotl and in 1430, under the Aztec rule, reduced their area of \u200b\u200binfluence to shore Lake Xochimilco.
At the start of the English conquest of Tenochtitlan, Xochimilco was among the first to move to the English and where around 1524 the first Franciscan friars arrived to evangelize the natives between 1534 and 1579 was constructed a Franciscan convent currently associated with the cathedral of Xochimilco, dedicated to San Bernardino of Siena, with an altarpiece depicting the passage of the Franciscan order in that place, considered as a work of great artistic and iconographic.
Convent and Parish of San Bernardino of Siena, located in the center of Xochimilco, whose construction was financed mainly by Indian leaders, to be the benchmark of thirteen villages to visit. Both the temple and in the convent there are paintings, sculptures and carvings of high quality work of great artists. Another attraction is the market Xochitl, which is the most important supply center in the area.
tourism constitutes its identity, is the ancient system of floating island (floating gardens), which has made known to Xochimilco in the world, among them are the channels where you can sail aboard quietly trajineras calls or boats that are often adorned with flowers embedded, forming letters of female names that adorn the front, in the punt on the way into the channels, you can enjoy traditional food, sold around the piers.
In 1987 Xochimilco was declared by UNESCO (United Nations Organization for Education) Cultural Heritage of Humanity, as well as having important archaeological sites, and colonial, urban and rural reminiscent well defined.
An important date to visit Xochimilco is the month of April in which it is carried out the competition "The most beautiful flower of Ejido" which is elected from local women most attractive of the various peoples of the region.
Visit Xochimilco area, it was declared a cultural heritage of humanity, is to travel through time, due to its high cultural value and their unique natural features, enjoying a relaxing ride, full of smells and colors, using trajineras or launches, allowing you to have the famous floating gardens and going through their channels.
Lake Xochimilco, the last Great Lake Basin of Mexico, was connected with two other lakes (Texcoco and Chalco) is currently limited to channels that are fed with treated water from the hill of the Star, Xochimilco has a network of 176 kilometers of navigable waterways protected, of which about 14 are visited by tourists and can be covered in the local boats decorated with flowers of rare beauty.
channels, famous throughout the world because they are lined with flowers or vegetables, dating from the time of the Aztecs, were born in the lake area, once formed the floating gardens were used as transit routes and sell flowers and vegetables.
Some channels are extended to distances of two thousand meters, now the main ones are those used by his majesty, for the "walk" Sunday or holiday.
The most common trip today, known to most of the public, is the channel between piers Coltongo and traditional center of all the Nativitas, starting with either extreme.
In the 21st century and the urban sprawl of Mexico City Xochimilco survive, where trajineras furrow and may get flowers, drinks, food and traditional music of mariachi, norteña or marimba. Curiosity
to 1938, which closes the channel of the beam, there was water communication with steamboats introduced in 1850, from Xochimilco and Mexico City.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Homemade Spirit Items
Girls in the bottom right to find a new link where they leave the contents of relativity, just seem to need, although not found by the Ministry of Education so it is not absolutely secure. Remember
continue to carry things for the Erika, Cheers for her!
See the survey of the bottom.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
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If it were not for the tragedy of the Honduran people, what happened recently in the country centronorteamericano would be a theater of the absurd comedy.
A José Manuel Zelaya, Constitutional President of Honduras, have overthrown with military force because after being "elected with the support of a right-wing party intended to be left" as allegations of a business representative.
Roberto Micheletti, a former soldier of the 60's and then transportation entrepreneur and other things, is designated as representative of a television "forced Succession" against his fellow party member, a fact that all countries of the world condemned as a coup, the republic less CNN and the like.
An entrepreneur livestock and timber, such as Zelaya, now stands in potential revolutionary martyr. Acclaimed and defended by broad sections of people of his country and the most diverse and radical leftist movements in the world for their courage demonstrated against the royal power, even their lives if necessary, he said. And there are reasons to believe, unless proven otherwise.
Only in this convoluted plot, where viewers are now always taken to the streets to reclaim its leading role and participatory occurs that the official Internet portal of the Liberal Party of Honduras, whose president is himself Micheletti, since April 2009 - has remained for nine days after the coup the photo and the government's achievements folksy man of the hat as President of Honduras. Then removed and reappeared again as Constitutional President, in the "History" Web site of the liberal, but no picture.
As a libretto by Ionesco, Mr. Micheletti is not listed as president or the Official Website of the Government of Honduras, because it is off its Internet access, at least since Tuesday 07 July to the date of this writing. It is confirmed that the gorillas not get along very well with the technology.
madrugonazo After several days of the military, and failed to remove the President Zelaya and Micheletti replace the Official Website of the Government of Honduras, then blocked the Web site (see www.gob.hn/ ). Until July 18, 2009 there was no digital access to government controlled by the rebels. A bad sign for them, evidence of the precariousness of the government de facto.
The greatest achievement of the rulers cyber squatters has been created, after fifteen days in the control, a Web paginita the "president" Micheletti, with your photo, four hypocritical slogans, and three tourist images of Honduras, which are repeated and repeated (See www.presidencia.gob.hn/ ). Nothing more, at least until 18 July. Sure, they're too busy repressing civil liberties, shooting, clearing houses and sharing the spoils.
For its part, the Battle of Honduras on the Internet is gaining Manuel Zelaya and has emerged as a constitutional president with a new digital portal, created by his support team on 07 July 2009, called Web Site Interim Information and the Presidency and the Government of Honduras , at: www.guaymuras.net . There is published extensive information and documents today, encouraging the people of Honduras on the offensive against the coup.
To date, 21 days after the coup, the official website of the Liberal Party of Honduras (PLH), chaired by Roberto Micheletti, Manuel Zelaya is still the President of Honduras.
In the "Home" ( www.partidoliberaldehonduras.hn/ ) can see the photo of liberal presidential candidate, Elvin Santos, "which supports Micheletti, and the campaign slogan:" Change for better living ".
then entered the section (link) "History" of the ruling party, we find, after the story begins in 1884 when "... Comayagua organized a movement called the Liberal League ..." in paragraphs final reference to the current presidential term of Zelaya, written as follows, still:
"On November 27, 2005 general elections were held, the victory went to the Liberal Party of Honduras, as became president of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales with the campaign theme 'Citizen Power' . Government characterized by a wide network of diplomatic relations and cooperation with other countries (only president to visit Cuba in the last forty-eight years) Zelaya's government stands by its enforceable in history as a government very close to Honduran people through the Assemblies of Citizen Power " (See www.partidoliberaldehonduras.hn / Historia.html , our emphasis).
Until last July 7 in the morning, in the "History" PLH could be seen in the foreground than an image of President Manuel Zelaya and a Chancellor Patricia Rhodes, which were removed at night. Then reappeared out above the historical text and there remains published.
Before the coup also reach the website of the Liberal Party of Honduras (nine days after 28 June), it was possible to see the publication of some reason for the seizure and removal of Zelaya in his home country and elite fear his return.
Until July 07, to access the government party website featured a picture of the current liberal presidential candidate, then a photo with their iconic Zelaya farmer hat and suit and tie, and shirt not necessarily reached Costa Rica. Beside the slogan: "3 years of irreversible changes in Our History", an issue that is currently irony and hope.
immediately identified the achievement of his administration: "More than 815 million to fight poverty. Fair Wages. We adhere to the ALBA. Health for Our People. Zero Illiteracy National Campaign Starts with YES I CAN. More than 2,000 troops into action to care for the forest. For the first time in 80 years broke the monopoly of transnational corporations to bid fuels. It lowered the bank interest rates on agricultural products .... " For the oligarchy
Honduras, protected and supported by transnational corporations, this is going too far. This can not be tolerated. So these achievements not only erased digital site, but to obscure the reality and stop the march of peoples. Unless popular insurrection breaks out all forms of struggle, and not just the virtual, but real.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Toilet Flange Lead Pipe
In a telephone interview broadcast on radio station 93.5 FM Stereo Melody, from the headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Caracas, where Metropolitan Mayor Antonio Ledezma carried out a hunger strike to draw international attention, a prominent leader of the opposition party headed Ledezma has sprung, live and direct, mind of mother to President Hugo Chávez.
In Venezuela, the mother lying to someone is considered a serious offense and too vulgar. In any private setting is unacceptable and reason for heavy fighting, much more public through a mass medium like radio or television. Even a verbal assault of this magnitude, against any citizen, is grounds for penalties on the station or station that transmits and who utters.
In the radio program "The the Fourth and Fifth, interviews and political views, transmitted by Melody Stereo , Wednesday July 8, 2009, at 8:38 am, a known leader of Alianza Bravo Pueblo (ABP), identified as "La Negra" Rosaura Sanz, from within the OAS headquarters in Caracas expressed his support for Mayor Antonio Ledezma and telephone harshly criticized the government of President Chávez. From the station, the moderator, Eduardo Semtei, he asked, "instigator" of the "grave situation in the country", to which Rosa Sanz responded by blaming "That pussy of her mother who is ruling Venezuela ...."
Semtei changed the subject immediately and put the air to his co-moderator of the program, the opposition also Carlos Melo, who trying to downplay the issue and justify it, said: "At last Rosa said you put a Pythian. Those are things that happen in live broadcasts. " While the moderators continued talking Chavez of authoritarianism, the attacks from the government to the popular will and freedom of expression. And demanding that "the OAS needs to implement the Inter-American Democratic Charter in Venezuela, as well as diligently as he did in the case of Honduras. Here you are attacking democracy. "
What will the Secretary General of the OAS in this public insult a President of the Republic since its official delegation in Caracas? What will
Conatel, the organization that must implement the Law on Social Responsibility in Radio and Television?
What will the Attorney General of the Republic to such an insult, by which any citizen would engage and win a trial, without having to be President or public official?
How far tolerated the media following the coup of April 11, 2002, to blackmail that "Chávez threaten freedom of expression?
The most paradoxical case is that the group's radio stations Melody Stereo Circuit , as President-Director of the broadcaster opposition refined Enza Carbone Nery, emerged with the authorization legal to convey that the government gave them President Chavez himself. Such is the case with many other private stations, created and authorized in the last ten years. Melody
Stereo is a national radial circuit, with stations in four cities, whose slogan is "The Radio you deserve. " What irony!
On April 25, 2003, the president of the Venezuelan opposition party MAS, Felipe Mujica, the tournament began mother public insults to President Chávez in an interview on the private channel Televen in time not for adults. The program was driven by the furious opposition journalist and professor of social communication, Martha Colomina. Nothing happened. Not the slightest sanction to the channel or the respondent or the host of the program ( See Video of mint mother to "tyrant" Chavez ). Also
on the radio station 93.5 FM Stereo Melody, on Monday, November 12, 2007, a renowned comedian insinuated that Chavez had to kill with a gun. This was denounced in our article "The sacred image of the King against Chávez," published in the portal Rebellion, on 27-03-2008:
"And I say more. In contrast, the Venezuelan government, sensitive to the blackmail of the dictatorship, allows a radio comedian in Caracas Chávez hints at killing with a gun, and nothing happens. It happened on Monday November 12, 2007, at 12:55 pm, at the radio station 93.5 FM Stereo Melody . The driver of the daily program "An hour and some of the other," the comedian Rolando Salazar, excellent mimic of Hugo Chavez and other characters, he said, expressing his disagreement with the constitutional reform and the Venezuelan president, who had to "apply the lawyers call Article Magnum 357 ". And then humming, singing "and something good will come." No comment "(1).
All in the name of freedom of pressure. Notes -------------------------
1 .- http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php id = 65148 . See also: venezuelacantaclaro.blogspot.com
Friday, July 3, 2009
What Type Of Fondant Does Buddy On Cake Boss Use
lot Internet: the World Wide Web or Global Network World
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decentralized Internet is a collection of interconnected communication networks, which has a profound impact on work, leisure and knowledge worldwide, allowing sudden and extreme decentralization of information and data, making a tool for mass rapid globalization and integration in the human life. Internet as such, has no body that governs.
The World Wide Web or World Global Network is a set of documents I hypermedia hypertext, linked and accessible via the Internet, is a set of protocols that allows a simple, remote consultation hypertext files.
Research by the American scientist Vinton "Vint" Cerf G. in 1972, led the design of the TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) or computer language used on the Internet.
The Web- English- network is through greater dissemination of personal exchange appeared in the history of humanity, far ahead of print, it is a social and technological revolution.
Viewing a web page the World Wide Web starts typing the URL of the page in the web browser or by following a hypertext link to that page or resource. URL (Uniform Resource Locators) - in Castilian, the Uniform Resource Locator- is one of the three main standards of the Web.
The first step is to translate the server name of the URL to an IP address using the distributed database on the Internet, known as DNS.
The next step is to send an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol )-Text Transfer Protocol- the Web server requesting the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language )-Hypertext Markup Language, " which are the two main standards of the Web.
a user views web pages, which can contain text, images, videos and other multimedia content, and navigate through them using hyperlinks, through a Web browser.
The most widely used web browser since 1999, is the Windows Internet Explorer developed by Microsoft since 1994 by Thomas Reardon and perfected by Benjamin Slivka for its implementation in Windows 95. Its latest version is 8.0, which is freely available.
Thomas Reardon was 21 when Bill Gates offered him a senior position at Microsoft, in 1991. Ben is applied as a mathematician at the University of Northwestern.
Internet Explorer stores temporary Internet files to allow faster access (or access outside line) to previously visited pages.
- Wininet.dll, manager of HTTP and FTP protocol. It handles all network communications protocols.
- Urlmon.dll, responsible for handling MIME-based content and web content downloads.
MSHTML.dll houses the Trident rendering engine, which is responsible for displaying pages on the display and management of the "Documents object model" of web pages. It analyzes the HTML / CSS files and creates the internal DOM representation. It also exposes a set of APIs for runtime inspection and modification of the DOM tree. -
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Browseui.dll, head of the browser user interface, including the framework of graphical user interafaz ("chrome"), housing all the menus and toolbars. Internet Explorer remains the dominant browser.
Based on technology- PageRank determines the importance of each page- two PhD students in Computer Science from Stanford University, Lawrence Edward "Larry Page, born in 1972 in East Lansing, Michigan, United States, Jewish, and Sergey Brin, born in 1973 in Moscow, Russia, begin to create an algorithm for search data, which would become the heart that powers Google.
These two computer geniuses founded in 1998 in Menlo Park, California, the company Google, which offers a quick and easy way to find information on the Web. Currently Google is headquartered in Mountain View, California, with a search engine with access to an index of over 8, 168 million Web pages that can respond daily to more than 200 million hits.
search engine also has created other Web sites like Google Images, Google Groups, Google Directory, Google News. It also has additional services as Gmail, Google Video, Google Maps, Google Earth, "Adsense, Adwords, Google Calendar and Google Notebook. You Tube is owned by Google since 2006.
also offers tools: Google Toolbar, Google Desktop, Picasa and Google Print.
Wikipedia was launched in January 2001 by the American Jimmy "Jimbo" Wales and Donald Lawrence "Larry" Mark Sanger. Jimbo, born in 1966 in Huntsville, Alabama, graduated from Auburn and Alabama, he earned his doctorate at the University of Indiana. Larry, from the state of Washington and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, graduated from Reed College and a doctorate from Ohio State University. WIKIPEDIA
in perpetual development, has its headquarters in San Francisco, California, but its participants from around the world, trying to build more items comprehensive as possible. It has a small number of paid employees -23 - and a global community of more than 150000 volunteers dedicated to sharing knowledge freely for eight years they have contributed more than eleven million articles in 265 languages over 275 million monthly visitors, who access free at no charge and without advertising. Anyone can freely use Wikipedia content for any purpose.
Wikipedia receives between 10000 and 30 000 requests for pages per second, 3.1% from Mexico. Its sister projects Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikiversity, Wikiquote, Wikinews, Wikisource, Wikimedia Commons, and Meta-Wiki Wikispecies