If it were not for the tragedy of the Honduran people, what happened recently in the country centronorteamericano would be a theater of the absurd comedy.
A José Manuel Zelaya, Constitutional President of Honduras, have overthrown with military force because after being "elected with the support of a right-wing party intended to be left" as allegations of a business representative.
Roberto Micheletti, a former soldier of the 60's and then transportation entrepreneur and other things, is designated as representative of a television "forced Succession" against his fellow party member, a fact that all countries of the world condemned as a coup, the republic less CNN and the like.
An entrepreneur livestock and timber, such as Zelaya, now stands in potential revolutionary martyr. Acclaimed and defended by broad sections of people of his country and the most diverse and radical leftist movements in the world for their courage demonstrated against the royal power, even their lives if necessary, he said. And there are reasons to believe, unless proven otherwise.
Only in this convoluted plot, where viewers are now always taken to the streets to reclaim its leading role and participatory occurs that the official Internet portal of the Liberal Party of Honduras, whose president is himself Micheletti, since April 2009 - has remained for nine days after the coup the photo and the government's achievements folksy man of the hat as President of Honduras. Then removed and reappeared again as Constitutional President, in the "History" Web site of the liberal, but no picture.
As a libretto by Ionesco, Mr. Micheletti is not listed as president or the Official Website of the Government of Honduras, because it is off its Internet access, at least since Tuesday 07 July to the date of this writing. It is confirmed that the gorillas not get along very well with the technology.
madrugonazo After several days of the military, and failed to remove the President Zelaya and Micheletti replace the Official Website of the Government of Honduras, then blocked the Web site (see www.gob.hn/ ). Until July 18, 2009 there was no digital access to government controlled by the rebels. A bad sign for them, evidence of the precariousness of the government de facto.
The greatest achievement of the rulers cyber squatters has been created, after fifteen days in the control, a Web paginita the "president" Micheletti, with your photo, four hypocritical slogans, and three tourist images of Honduras, which are repeated and repeated (See www.presidencia.gob.hn/ ). Nothing more, at least until 18 July. Sure, they're too busy repressing civil liberties, shooting, clearing houses and sharing the spoils.
For its part, the Battle of Honduras on the Internet is gaining Manuel Zelaya and has emerged as a constitutional president with a new digital portal, created by his support team on 07 July 2009, called Web Site Interim Information and the Presidency and the Government of Honduras , at: www.guaymuras.net . There is published extensive information and documents today, encouraging the people of Honduras on the offensive against the coup.
To date, 21 days after the coup, the official website of the Liberal Party of Honduras (PLH), chaired by Roberto Micheletti, Manuel Zelaya is still the President of Honduras.
In the "Home" ( www.partidoliberaldehonduras.hn/ ) can see the photo of liberal presidential candidate, Elvin Santos, "which supports Micheletti, and the campaign slogan:" Change for better living ".
then entered the section (link) "History" of the ruling party, we find, after the story begins in 1884 when "... Comayagua organized a movement called the Liberal League ..." in paragraphs final reference to the current presidential term of Zelaya, written as follows, still:
"On November 27, 2005 general elections were held, the victory went to the Liberal Party of Honduras, as became president of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales with the campaign theme 'Citizen Power' . Government characterized by a wide network of diplomatic relations and cooperation with other countries (only president to visit Cuba in the last forty-eight years) Zelaya's government stands by its enforceable in history as a government very close to Honduran people through the Assemblies of Citizen Power " (See www.partidoliberaldehonduras.hn / Historia.html , our emphasis).
Until last July 7 in the morning, in the "History" PLH could be seen in the foreground than an image of President Manuel Zelaya and a Chancellor Patricia Rhodes, which were removed at night. Then reappeared out above the historical text and there remains published.
Before the coup also reach the website of the Liberal Party of Honduras (nine days after 28 June), it was possible to see the publication of some reason for the seizure and removal of Zelaya in his home country and elite fear his return.
Until July 07, to access the government party website featured a picture of the current liberal presidential candidate, then a photo with their iconic Zelaya farmer hat and suit and tie, and shirt not necessarily reached Costa Rica. Beside the slogan: "3 years of irreversible changes in Our History", an issue that is currently irony and hope.
immediately identified the achievement of his administration: "More than 815 million to fight poverty. Fair Wages. We adhere to the ALBA. Health for Our People. Zero Illiteracy National Campaign Starts with YES I CAN. More than 2,000 troops into action to care for the forest. For the first time in 80 years broke the monopoly of transnational corporations to bid fuels. It lowered the bank interest rates on agricultural products .... " For the oligarchy
Honduras, protected and supported by transnational corporations, this is going too far. This can not be tolerated. So these achievements not only erased digital site, but to obscure the reality and stop the march of peoples. Unless popular insurrection breaks out all forms of struggle, and not just the virtual, but real.
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