Sunday, July 19, 2009

Laser Tag And Paintball In Chicago

Zelaya wins the battle on the internet and reappears as President Radio Broadcast

Alejandro Ruiz

If it were not for the tragedy of the Honduran people, what happened recently in the country centronorteamericano would be a theater of the absurd comedy.

A José Manuel Zelaya, Constitutional President of Honduras, have overthrown with military force because after being "elected with the support of a right-wing party intended to be left" as allegations of a business representative.

Roberto Micheletti, a former soldier of the 60's and then transportation entrepreneur and other things, is designated as representative of a television "forced Succession" against his fellow party member, a fact that all countries of the world condemned as a coup, the republic less CNN and the like.

An entrepreneur livestock and timber, such as Zelaya, now stands in potential revolutionary martyr. Acclaimed and defended by broad sections of people of his country and the most diverse and radical leftist movements in the world for their courage demonstrated against the royal power, even their lives if necessary, he said. And there are reasons to believe, unless proven otherwise.

Only in this convoluted plot, where viewers are now always taken to the streets to reclaim its leading role and participatory occurs that the official Internet portal of the Liberal Party of Honduras, whose president is himself Micheletti, since April 2009 - has remained for nine days after the coup the photo and the government's achievements folksy man of the hat as President of Honduras. Then removed and reappeared again as Constitutional President, in the "History" Web site of the liberal, but no picture.

As a libretto by Ionesco, Mr. Micheletti is not listed as president or the Official Website of the Government of Honduras, because it is off its Internet access, at least since Tuesday 07 July to the date of this writing. It is confirmed that the gorillas not get along very well with the technology.

madrugonazo After several days of the military, and failed to remove the President Zelaya and Micheletti replace the Official Website of the Government of Honduras, then blocked the Web site (see ). Until July 18, 2009 there was no digital access to government controlled by the rebels. A bad sign for them, evidence of the precariousness of the government de facto.

The greatest achievement of the rulers cyber squatters has been created, after fifteen days in the control, a Web paginita the "president" Micheletti, with your photo, four hypocritical slogans, and three tourist images of Honduras, which are repeated and repeated (See ). Nothing more, at least until 18 July. Sure, they're too busy repressing civil liberties, shooting, clearing houses and sharing the spoils.

For its part, the Battle of Honduras on the Internet is gaining Manuel Zelaya and has emerged as a constitutional president with a new digital portal, created by his support team on 07 July 2009, called Web Site Interim Information and the Presidency and the Government of Honduras , at: . There is published extensive information and documents today, encouraging the people of Honduras on the offensive against the coup.

To date, 21 days after the coup, the official website of the Liberal Party of Honduras (PLH), chaired by Roberto Micheletti, Manuel Zelaya is still the President of Honduras.

In the "Home" ( ) can see the photo of liberal presidential candidate, Elvin Santos, "which supports Micheletti, and the campaign slogan:" Change for better living ".

then entered the section (link) "History" of the ruling party, we find, after the story begins in 1884 when "... Comayagua organized a movement called the Liberal League ..." in paragraphs final reference to the current presidential term of Zelaya, written as follows, still:

"On November 27, 2005 general elections were held, the victory went to the Liberal Party of Honduras, as became president of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales with the campaign theme 'Citizen Power' . Government characterized by a wide network of diplomatic relations and cooperation with other countries (only president to visit Cuba in the last forty-eight years) Zelaya's government stands by its enforceable in history as a government very close to Honduran people through the Assemblies of Citizen Power " (See / Historia.html , our emphasis).

Until last July 7 in the morning, in the "History" PLH could be seen in the foreground than an image of President Manuel Zelaya and a Chancellor Patricia Rhodes, which were removed at night. Then reappeared out above the historical text and there remains published.

Before the coup also reach the website of the Liberal Party of Honduras (nine days after 28 June), it was possible to see the publication of some reason for the seizure and removal of Zelaya in his home country and elite fear his return.

Until July 07, to access the government party website featured a picture of the current liberal presidential candidate, then a photo with their iconic Zelaya farmer hat and suit and tie, and shirt not necessarily reached Costa Rica. Beside the slogan: "3 years of irreversible changes in Our History", an issue that is currently irony and hope.

immediately identified the achievement of his administration: "More than 815 million to fight poverty. Fair Wages. We adhere to the ALBA. Health for Our People. Zero Illiteracy National Campaign Starts with YES I CAN. More than 2,000 troops into action to care for the forest. For the first time in 80 years broke the monopoly of transnational corporations to bid fuels. It lowered the bank interest rates on agricultural products .... " For the oligarchy

Honduras, protected and supported by transnational corporations, this is going too far. This can not be tolerated. So these achievements not only erased digital site, but to obscure the reality and stop the march of peoples. Unless popular insurrection breaks out all forms of struggle, and not just the virtual, but real.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Toilet Flange Lead Pipe

mother insults to President Chavez from OAS headquarters in Caracas

Alejandro Ruiz

In a telephone interview broadcast on radio station 93.5 FM Stereo Melody, from the headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Caracas, where Metropolitan Mayor Antonio Ledezma carried out a hunger strike to draw international attention, a prominent leader of the opposition party headed Ledezma has sprung, live and direct, mind of mother to President Hugo Chávez.

In Venezuela, the mother lying to someone is considered a serious offense and too vulgar. In any private setting is unacceptable and reason for heavy fighting, much more public through a mass medium like radio or television. Even a verbal assault of this magnitude, against any citizen, is grounds for penalties on the station or station that transmits and who utters.

In the radio program "The the Fourth and Fifth, interviews and political views, transmitted by Melody Stereo , Wednesday July 8, 2009, at 8:38 am, a known leader of Alianza Bravo Pueblo (ABP), identified as "La Negra" Rosaura Sanz, from within the OAS headquarters in Caracas expressed his support for Mayor Antonio Ledezma and telephone harshly criticized the government of President Chávez. From the station, the moderator, Eduardo Semtei, he asked, "instigator" of the "grave situation in the country", to which Rosa Sanz responded by blaming "That pussy of her mother who is ruling Venezuela ...."

Semtei changed the subject immediately and put the air to his co-moderator of the program, the opposition also Carlos Melo, who trying to downplay the issue and justify it, said: "At last Rosa said you put a Pythian. Those are things that happen in live broadcasts. " While the moderators continued talking Chavez of authoritarianism, the attacks from the government to the popular will and freedom of expression. And demanding that "the OAS needs to implement the Inter-American Democratic Charter in Venezuela, as well as diligently as he did in the case of Honduras. Here you are attacking democracy. "

What will the Secretary General of the OAS in this public insult a President of the Republic since its official delegation in Caracas? What will

Conatel, the organization that must implement the Law on Social Responsibility in Radio and Television?

What will the Attorney General of the Republic to such an insult, by which any citizen would engage and win a trial, without having to be President or public official?

How far tolerated the media following the coup of April 11, 2002, to blackmail that "Chávez threaten freedom of expression?

The most paradoxical case is that the group's radio stations Melody Stereo Circuit , as President-Director of the broadcaster opposition refined Enza Carbone Nery, emerged with the authorization legal to convey that the government gave them President Chavez himself. Such is the case with many other private stations, created and authorized in the last ten years. Melody

Stereo is a national radial circuit, with stations in four cities, whose slogan is "The Radio you deserve. " What irony!

On April 25, 2003, the president of the Venezuelan opposition party MAS, Felipe Mujica, the tournament began mother public insults to President Chávez in an interview on the private channel Televen in time not for adults. The program was driven by the furious opposition journalist and professor of social communication, Martha Colomina. Nothing happened. Not the slightest sanction to the channel or the respondent or the host of the program ( See Video of mint mother to "tyrant" Chavez ). Also

on the radio station 93.5 FM Stereo Melody, on Monday, November 12, 2007, a renowned comedian insinuated that Chavez had to kill with a gun. This was denounced in our article "The sacred image of the King against Chávez," published in the portal Rebellion, on 27-03-2008:

"And I say more. In contrast, the Venezuelan government, sensitive to the blackmail of the dictatorship, allows a radio comedian in Caracas Chávez hints at killing with a gun, and nothing happens. It happened on Monday November 12, 2007, at 12:55 pm, at the radio station 93.5 FM Stereo Melody . The driver of the daily program "An hour and some of the other," the comedian Rolando Salazar, excellent mimic of Hugo Chavez and other characters, he said, expressing his disagreement with the constitutional reform and the Venezuelan president, who had to "apply the lawyers call Article Magnum 357 ". And then humming, singing "and something good will come." No comment "(1).

All in the name of freedom of pressure. Notes -------------------------

1 .- id = 65148 . See also:

Friday, July 3, 2009

What Type Of Fondant Does Buddy On Cake Boss Use

Epilogue: Things are as they are, they last until the end and there are cases that no longer that

close this phase of navigation in the infinite network of networks, which could experience a real pleasure derived from the endless pursuit of knowledge, addressing worldly issues, dissimilar and varied, exercise had no been possible without the indispensable and irreplaceable help of four pillars:

lot Internet: the World Wide Web or Global Network World
• Windows INTERNET EXPLORER: the most used web browser
· GOOGLE: the most important Search Engine
· WIKIPEDIA: The biggest multilingual free encyclopedia ever written.

INTERNET arises in the United States in the sixties of the twentieth century, to support its military, was initially used by the government, universities and other academic centers, but today it is constituted an unprecedented revolution in the world of computing and communications, because the effect of ecumenism, allows the spread of information, regardless the geographic location of their users, allowing global communication flow on a scale unprecedented in human history.

decentralized Internet is a collection of interconnected communication networks, which has a profound impact on work, leisure and knowledge worldwide, allowing sudden and extreme decentralization of information and data, making a tool for mass rapid globalization and integration in the human life. Internet as such, has no body that governs.

The World Wide Web or World Global Network is a set of documents I hypermedia hypertext, linked and accessible via the Internet, is a set of protocols that allows a simple, remote consultation hypertext files.
The web structure based on links and unique way, was created in 1989 by Englishman Sir Timothy "Tim" John Berners-Lee and the Belgian Robert Cailliau in Geneva, Switzerland, but it was not until 1992 that was published debuting the web as a public service by joining hypertext and the Internet, announcing the April 30, 1993 that the Web would be free for everyone. Basically, Tim, the father of the Web, developed the ideas of the three Internet standards: HTML, HTTP and URL.

Research by the American scientist Vinton "Vint" Cerf G. in 1972, led the design of the TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) or computer language used on the Internet.

The Web- English- network is through greater dissemination of personal exchange appeared in the history of humanity, far ahead of print, it is a social and technological revolution.

Viewing a web page the World Wide Web starts typing the URL of the page in the web browser or by following a hypertext link to that page or resource. URL (Uniform Resource Locators) - in Castilian, the Uniform Resource Locator- is one of the three main standards of the Web.

The first step is to translate the server name of the URL to an IP address using the distributed database on the Internet, known as DNS.

The next step is to send an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol )-Text Transfer Protocol- the Web server requesting the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language )-Hypertext Markup Language, " which are the two main standards of the Web.

a user views web pages, which can contain text, images, videos and other multimedia content, and navigate through them using hyperlinks, through a Web browser.

The most widely used web browser since 1999, is the Windows Internet Explorer developed by Microsoft since 1994 by Thomas Reardon and perfected by Benjamin Slivka for its implementation in Windows 95. Its latest version is 8.0, which is freely available.

Thomas Reardon was 21 when Bill Gates offered him a senior position at Microsoft, in 1991. Ben is applied as a mathematician at the University of Northwestern.

Internet Explorer stores temporary Internet files to allow faster access (or access outside line) to previously visited pages.
uses a componentized architecture on the "Component Object Model (COM). It consists of five main components:
  • Wininet.dll, manager of HTTP and FTP protocol. It handles all network communications protocols.
  • Urlmon.dll, responsible for handling MIME-based content and web content downloads.

  • MSHTML.dll houses the Trident rendering engine, which is responsible for displaying pages on the display and management of the "Documents object model" of web pages. It analyzes the HTML / CSS files and creates the internal DOM representation. It also exposes a set of APIs for runtime inspection and modification of the DOM tree.

  • Shdocvw.dll provides navigation, local storage and functionality to the browser.

  • Browseui.dll, head of the browser user interface, including the framework of graphical user interafaz ("chrome"), housing all the menus and toolbars. Internet Explorer remains the dominant browser.
to store Web content requires a browser. The ultimate search engine is GOOGLE, a name derived from googol- which represents 10 raised to 100 - and glasses-goggles .

Based on technology- PageRank determines the importance of each page- two PhD students in Computer Science from Stanford University, Lawrence Edward "Larry Page, born in 1972 in East Lansing, Michigan, United States, Jewish, and Sergey Brin, born in 1973 in Moscow, Russia, begin to create an algorithm for search data, which would become the heart that powers Google.

These two computer geniuses founded in 1998 in Menlo Park, California, the company Google, which offers a quick and easy way to find information on the Web. Currently Google is headquartered in Mountain View, California, with a search engine with access to an index of over 8, 168 million Web pages that can respond daily to more than 200 million hits.

search engine also has created other Web sites like Google Images, Google Groups, Google Directory, Google News. It also has additional services as Gmail, Google Video, Google Maps, Google Earth, "Adsense, Adwords, Google Calendar and Google Notebook. You Tube is owned by Google since 2006.

also offers tools: Google Toolbar, Google Desktop, Picasa and Google Print.

Most online encyclopedia written by volunteers, is Wikipedia -name portmanteau formed by the contraction- the words wiki - Hawaiian for "quick and pediatricians of paideia, education, classical Greek, is a collaborative effort to create a free encyclopedia, free and accessible to all; is currently the largest and most popular online reference work, with more than 12 million items.

Wikipedia was launched in January 2001 by the American Jimmy "Jimbo" Wales and Donald Lawrence "Larry" Mark Sanger. Jimbo, born in 1966 in Huntsville, Alabama, graduated from Auburn and Alabama, he earned his doctorate at the University of Indiana. Larry, from the state of Washington and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, graduated from Reed College and a doctorate from Ohio State University. WIKIPEDIA

in perpetual development, has its headquarters in San Francisco, California, but its participants from around the world, trying to build more items comprehensive as possible. It has a small number of paid employees -23 - and a global community of more than 150000 volunteers dedicated to sharing knowledge freely for eight years they have contributed more than eleven million articles in 265 languages over 275 million monthly visitors, who access free at no charge and without advertising. Anyone can freely use Wikipedia content for any purpose.

Wikipedia receives between 10000 and 30 000 requests for pages per second, 3.1% from Mexico. Its sister projects Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikiversity, Wikiquote, Wikinews, Wikisource, Wikimedia Commons, and Meta-Wiki Wikispecies
The title of this post evokes the past moment in which a doctor with a strange mixture of resignation, nostalgia and compliance, "exclaimed those words in the act that gave me an address Mexico's federal government. I'm experiencing that same feeling at the end of the cycle THE PLEASURE OF THE SEARCH.