Saturday, May 8, 2010

Famosas Mexicanas Folando

MARIO JAIME Alaric the Absent Brother

not to say only that I feel a deep sorrow and a void in the absence of my eternal companion game, is just play the notes that had to While preparing the master Manuel MN Villanueva GarcĂ­acano Web page:
Mario Jaime Alarid
dies Mon, 26/04/2010 - 21:24 - Club Mercenaries

A chess community in Mexico: We inform with great regret the death of our friend and colleague: Mexican Army Major Mario Jaime Alarid.

who died on Sunday, April 25 enjoying what he loved playing a chess tournament. Rest in peace.

Giving their children Juan Pablo and Aldara and his brother Rodolfo Jaime Alarid our deepest condolences.

will be a Mass in his honor at the church of Tlacoquemecatl (in front Tlacoquemecatl Park Plaza (near the park sunk) on Wednesday April 28 at 7:00 pm hosted by The College Two United Nations. Look forward to your presence.

MN Manuel Villanueva Garciacano Report


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