ARCTIC HIGHWAY Dangerous easily breakable ice road, built mostly on frozen lakes, covers 550 km from Yellow Knife, capital of the Northwest Territories, Canada, where temperatures of -50 degrees Celsius, so it only remains operational for two or three months a year. It was built to bring down los costos de abastecimiento aéreo de las ricas minas de diamantes, entre ellas la de Ekati, situada en la Isla de Lac Du Gras.
CAMINO A LOS YUNGAS Ubicada en los Andes Bolivianos, por su alta peligrosidad es conocida popularmente como la “carretera de la muerte”. Con sus 64 Km de extensión une a La Paz, capital de Bolivia (3600 msnm) con Coroico, en Región de los Yungas, pasando previamente por La Cumbre (4300 msnm). Fue construida por prisioneros paraguayos durante la Guerra del Chaco, se caracteriza por sus profundos abismos, humedad y neblina, además de pendientes pronounced. It is the only place in Bolivia where people drive on the left, so that the driver can see the edge of the road, the driver have priority up towards La Paz on lowering towards Los Yungas who must stop and give step that up.
Guoliang TUNNEL Impressive human work, made by villagers in a rural community in the Taihang Mountains, Guoliang Province, People's Republic of China, who replaced the suspended road outside by an interior road through the rock.
In 1977, after five years strenuous work opened the tunnel 1200 meters long, 5 meters high and 4 wide, with large windows and uneven walls.
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