Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pokemon Doujinshi Love

Events 50 ZHEN JIU Other Worlds: Method, Technique ancient China or Science? Events


sixth century BC In the writing of the Tao Te-King the Classic of the Way and Its Power or the Way and Its Virtue ", collection made possible by several people, but mainly attributed to the writings of Lao Tzu, Taoism, developed as a philosophical first and then as a Religion mixed with elements of Confucianism, Buddhism and traditional Chinese religion whose purpose is find the Tao through understanding the nature and achieve immortality, longevity fully- . through the improvement and personal progress through the following basic principles: Respect for and custody of the great nature, non-violence as an objective serenity and harmony as a method, interior and spiritual development of man and the development of a life with vitality and wholeness.

Tao-path or road, intuition, sensitivity, spontaneity and life more abstract sense of right and virtuous, " is the origin of the universe, which is held in an unstable equilibrium -T 'ai Chi- result of two main complementary forces- not opposed or antagonistic- that represent a duality, which symbolically represents the Taijitu: The Yin, literally "dark side" (the land , cold, feminine) -negative force, subtle, moist- and Yang, "bright side" (the sky, the warmth, the masculine) - positive force, concrete, dry- capable of modifying the five elements of the universe is made: water, earth, fire, wood and metal.

Traditional Chinese medicine is emerging as a fundamentally Taoist understanding medicine and the human body in a cosmological concept that determines a disease model based on fundamental breakdown in the balance. Taoist philosophy defining influence on the traditional medicine of China, marked by three legendary figures three legendary emperors: Fuxi, Shennong and Huang Di, the "Yellow Emperor", author of the compendium of medical writings dating back to around 2600 BC, and most representative work of traditional Chinese medicine, the Nei Jing- basic questions of Medicine - divided into simple questions -Su Wen- and spiritual bases Shu-Ling, " to represent one of the pillars of such medicine in the next four millennia.

During the Ming Dynasty- 265-420 - Yang Jizou great editing an encyclopedia, the Zhen Jiu Yi Jing first classical monograph acupuncture, essential part of traditional Chinese medicine, which emerges as a new therapy for pain, anxiety and all kinds of disorders outside the surgery. China Traditional Medicine includes the needle Zhen-Jiu and -moxa- with exercise -Tai-Chi and Chi Kung and proper diet.

Zhen Jiu, is a word that refers to two ancient Chinese therapeutic methods, the Zhen, based on the stimulation of certain points on the skin with needles and Jiu-stimulating fire- points moxibustion. The Zhen Jiu applies East regular- Japan, China, Korea, etc .- to treat a wide variety of diseases, as part of the traditional system of preventive medicine, being first mentioned by the Jesuit missionaries and other travelers in the century XVI and XVII. After the 1911 revolution, the Zhen Jiu is introduced in the West in the name of acupuncture -noun Latin acus, needle and verb, pungere, puncture; from 1930 began to spread, first slowly and then rapidly. Because currently used methods of electrical or chemical stimulation, acupuncture word means any treatment based on Chinese general points, clearing specific technique when not used needles.

vital energy-ch'i or qi- flows through the body along privileged areas of skin, called king, while the energy flows freely health is maintained when the disease appears blocked, the treatment ends when the vital flow reaches an optimal level. The king, known as meridians or channels of communication channels, corresponding to an external energy path -by- subcutaneous tissue and one domestic route that goes to each organ involved. Chinese medicine describes five bodies, heart, lung, spleen, liver, kidney-, seven bowels -gall bladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder- and three foci or areas of overheating. In total identifies twelve channels that correspond to the human body's vital organs: lungs, large intestine, small intestine, spleen, pancreas, heart, kidneys, bladder, cardiovascular, gallbladder, liver, spleen conception (in the body midline frontal), governing vessel (in the dorsal body midline) and triple heater.

on the path of the meridians are located approximately points of entry and exit points or power-xue resonators in Chinese which when stimulated, disturbed energy balance in the body that governs it, redirecting the qi. Acupuncture involves inserting one or more needles of different sizes and types, at specific points of the human body until 2000 -xue- to prevent and treat disease. These acupuncture points can also be stimulated with heat- moxibustion- cold, ultrasound, digital and laser pressure to produce therapeutic results. The way is always cutting to the Yin Yang, top to bottom, left to right, front to back, penetrating the needle more or less profound depending on the disease.

addition, each ear has 120 acupuncture points, which have specific therapeutic properties, which allows, through the Ear, stimulate specific body through the autonomic nervous system. In the ear reflex zones schematically represent the body of an inverted fetus: Corresponding spine to outer rim of the ear, the abdomen inside the ear and head for the earlobe.

According to its advocates acupuncture is appropriate for the treatment of a wide range of conditions, it is virtually painless -light cramps in the imposition of hands, " is a powerful and rapid anesthetic -confirmed its successful application as surgical anesthesia, so has wide application in the treatment of pain, the necessary equipment is inexpensive and the treatment is simple, implementation is relatively easy and by no means painful, is a highly efficient method with which satisfactory results are achieved in a relatively short, carrying no complications or side effects.

Hospital University of Traditional Medicine of Tian Jin China reported as most frequently treated diseases -in descending order: " acute and chronic pain, dysfunctional diseases such as asthma, rhinitis, gastritis, disorders secondary to psychiatric disorders, smoking, addictions a sedative, venous insufficiency and facial paralysis. Where have achieved the most surprising results are headaches, muscle aches, stomach ailments, eye and ear, sinusitis, kidney problems, hemorrhoids and rheumatism. Is also indicated in sexual impotence, inflammation and some infections.

According to the protocols of evidence-based medicine is effective in the treatment of pain in pregnant women, nausea, back pain and above all, for most chronic pain. However there is insufficient evidence to determine whether acupuncture is effective in other diseases. The argument put forward against pointing acupuncture to hypnosis and suggestion has been completely refuted.

The technique of acupuncture is safe, so it must be performed by qualified personnel, using precautions in medical emergencies, surgical diseases, malignant tumors and bleeding disorders. As a relatively novel lends itself to quackery, exploitation and deceit. Medical Association endorsed the United States in 1998, concluding that it may be beneficial in some diseases, but should not be ruled out the placebo effect, therefore is located in the West as a treatment option indicated for a specific range of ailments.

For some time, acupuncture fell into decay and was almost forgotten and neglected in official and scientific, generating two types of doctors, the traditional that drew on ancient texts say that acupuncture applied regulates the energy flow within the system movement of the body and through them influences the meridians, and physicians scientific school postulate that acupuncture is transmitted via the nervous system, peripheral nerves - achieving its purpose by the cutaneous and visceral way, possibly transmitted via humoral and inhibiting the thalamus -neural structure is in the center of the brain, having a relay function in the cerebral cortex and plays an active role in the process of information- through the medial lemniscus- via myelinated sensory nerve fibers that transmit signals upstream somatic of the spinal medulla to reach the thalamus, or spinothalamic -sensitive pathway that leads up or pulse pressure, touch and pain sensation.

The exact mechanism of the functioning of acupuncture is unknown, it is known to act on the nervous system, stimulating the activity of analgesic substances -endorphins and immune-system cells in some parts of organism, altering brain chemistry by changing the release of neurotransmitters and hormones.

Currently, acupuncture is offered as health provision in national health systems of China, Vietnam and Cuba, as well as maps are drawn with corresponding points of animals, veterinary and experimental.


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