Sunday, June 7, 2009

Prices For Topsy Turvy Cake

Cuba is a better country than the United States, according to Global Peace Index 2009 Article frontally

The report assesses levels of democracy, political instability, public corruption, education, property, crime and respect for human rights, among other indicators in 144 nations

Alejandro Ruiz

Las agencias internacionales de noticias han destacado esta semana la publicación, por tercer año consecutivo, del Índice Global de Paz (IGP). El informe fue presentado en Londres por el Instituto de Economía y Paz, y revela que la crisis económica capitalista mundial ha incrementado los conflictos violentos, la inestabilidad política y la violación de los derechos humanos en la mayoría de los países.

"Existe una correlación clara entre la crisis económica y el deterioro de la situación de paz", señaló Clyde McConaghy, del Instituto de Economía y Paz, al dar known figures of the study. Other causes include the resurgence of violent conflicts in some countries and the consequences of the soaring price of food and fuel in 2008 (IPS Agency, 03/06/2009).

The Global Peace Index 2009 , which was also submitted on Friday 5 June at the UN headquarters in New York, evaluates 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators in 144 nations, including: levels of democracy, instability politics, public corruption, education, property, crime and respect for human rights (See ). The

countries considered in greater peace and stability are New Zealand, ranked No. 1, followed by Denmark, Norway, Iceland (2008, ranked first) and Austria.

The last four countries in the ranking are closely related to U.S. policy: Iraq, where 144, Afghanistan (143), Somalia (142) and Israel (141), preceded Sudan (140). In the Americas the first place is Chile and the latter is Colombia.

Although the IGP is geared primarily to show the relationship between economic prosperity and peace, according to political parameters, cultural, social and economic representative of Western society, the report can not hide the wear and tear most of the countries amid the current capitalist crisis.

But a fact that no mention of the major news media is that, even with some of these indicators adopted biased and convenience, the Global Peace Index 2009 shows that Cuba is a better country than the United States. The Caribbean island is ranked 68, while the U.S. giant is at position 83 of the ranking.

With all that in the paper include subjective criteria such as press freedom, political pluralism, economic welfare, freedom of the private sector, importance of religion, respect Human rights, Cuba clearly outperforms the United States.

This difference is most valuable if we note that the assessment has a prominent organizations, analysts and characters that no one can accuse of communist or socialist, as Amnesty International, Columbia University, transnational entrepreneurs Richard Branson, Ted Turner and George Russell (founder of CNN ). And also the Nobel Peace Prize, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the religious leader Dalai Lama, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and former UN secretary general, Kofi Annan.

The report shows some interesting numbers. Indicators "Political Participation" and "political culture" is twice as good for the United States on Cuba, but U.S. participation in the elections only 60% of voters, not to mention never vote 25% of non-registered, while in Cuba, 96% of all voters, in addition to discussions and assemblies. In Cuba, the National Parliament elections take place every five years and local governments every 2 to 3 years, and exercised the right to vote from the 16-year-old with tiny abstention.

Another fact of political participation. The percentage of women in parliament is 17% U.S., New Zealand, which holds first place in the IGP, is 34%, in Cuba is 43%.

The "Perception of crime in society" is an indicator that, oddly, is the same in New Zealand (country better placed), in the U.S. and Cuba. It is known that the U.S. is alarming crime wave, but not in New Zealand and Cuba. However, the report acknowledges that the "level of violent crime is higher in New Zealand and the U.S., in Cuba.

In "Respect for human rights," the IGP, the U.S. and Cuba are in the same range. That is, if someone condemnation of Cuba in this aspect should also condemn the United States. Of course, the criteria for such respect is very different from reality.

As noted, New Zealand is ranked No. 1 in the study as the best country, but Cuba's literacy (99.8%) slightly exceeds the indicators and the U.S.. They are also better indicators of infant mortality in Cuba, just 5.0 per 1,000 live births in unemployment (1.6%) and the Gini coefficient (30). In all three countries life expectancy is very similar: 79.9 years New Zealand, the USA 77.8 years, and 78.0 years Cuba.

One thing more. The primary school enrollment rate is 96.6% in Cuba and only 91.6% in the U.S..

For any consideration of this report as advertised, it must know that the Global Peace Index is calculated by a global network of country analysts, NGOs and people that do this work for the Institute for Economics and Peace, a think tank dedicated to examining the relationship between economic development, private sector and peace.
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