Sunday, June 7, 2009

Three Fold Mirror Full Length

Other Worlds 49 The Bund and the BAQUINÍ: mortuary Alegre

Images: The Wake of Oller,

demosófico folklore refers to the celebrations, local foods and crafts, made at community by a group of individuals who form a political unity with the folklore literary, musical and geographical coverage is responsible for knowing the proper way of thinking and acting of a people, their customs and traditions, including all applications relating to ceremonies Funeral of religion and tradition mortuary, which are studied by the branch of anthropology, called mortuary. As in West Africa, the Afro in the Caribbean and the Pacific coast of Colombia, are accompanied with lively music and explosive drum, marimba and rattles, each of the cycles of life: They celebrate life, dance and singing dismissing the dead, keeping African survivals evident in the alternation responsorial solo and chorus monophonic or polyphonic. The peoples of African descent

generated a process of syncretism in their celebrations, combining their African origin with Catholic saints. Ritual ceremonies which include burial practices have a strong magical and religious background, like the songs of lumbalú of funereal ritual, evoking the origins of Angola, the birthplace of many early Maroons - runaway slaves from their masters, "proclaiming the death, to convene the community to wake, followed by the singing-crying responsorial. During the lumbalú women dance with tiny steps around the body. Other songs are the harvests burial, without any instrumental accompaniment, where one voice sings a story, verse, phrase or prayer that evoke the memory of a deceased and the mourners coupled choir responds with comments or chorus; and singing Funeral interpreted a capella or with a simple accompaniment of drumbeats that are used in the ritual context of the burials or funerals of relatives.

In some American communities, the black people transcend African customs, making death a reason to express their intense spirituality from singing and dancing of course. For example, at the wake of adults in the Colombian Pacific coast, is used Alabao, which is essentially a choral song of praise or glorification religious offerings to the saints, with the elapse of time was extended to the funeral context, interpreting it without instruments, highlighting the emphasis chanted -own exaltations Christian, " the themes sometimes depart from the religious context and highlight aspects profane the funeral type Alabao interchangeably combine passages referring to the deceased's life and mystical exhortations.

In the Colombian department of Cordoba there is a funeral rite that is named "Dead Alegre." It begins with a strange request that makes the sick and in agony: Requests to be buried dead happy. We put together a special drawer side tables of different thicknesses so that when it hit emit different sounds. The deceased is trapped inside the box from the men at the feet with rags, freeing the head Wade hit in the side of the box. The boots of the dead begin the march to the cemetery with irregular steps, such as limping, so that the head of the dead, in a syncopated, patter happily with the drawer. The dead also danced in some regions of Venezuela, Cuba and Haiti, as a mortuary ritual is performed in public for the burial of the deceased.

In the region of Barquisimeto-Lara, Venezuela- is performed funeral rites "last night" that expresses the diversity of cultural values \u200b\u200bof those people. In Puerto Cabello -Carabobo, Venezuela- associated with symbolic elements of Afro-Caribbean roots and culture, with native rites and European traditions of death during the carnival takes place the "dance of the swing", which commemorates the transfer of sick and burial of the dead, holding vigil, traveled , drama and burial. A drum beat, horns and charrasca - horns are a short walk from the hammock by the community, where someone cries, He's dead! And everyone responds to bury her there! leaving the hammock surrounded by candles, until the next day, they drew the neighborhood and walk the streets of Puerto Cabello. Women- -colored dresses , while singing, dancing joyfully while carrying and around the hammock, inviting men to dance. During the funeral procession, women cry for the dead, awakening a fit of jealousy, suffering a black, to "discover" the infidelity of his wife precisely with the dead.

Alabao Unlike adults, in the funerals of children, the songs are lively. The funeral rites of the Afro dedicated to children under seven years is jubilant, because for the descent, the infant death becomes an angel from heaven. The songs are driven by percussion and clapping, lively music and dance. In Colombia, according to the geographic location of communities, these rites are called Bund, or mampulorio chigualo. Other names are representative Guali, bailao angel, happy and wake dead angel. In Barlovento, Venezuela is known as mampulorio and chigualo; in Ecuador says wake of an angel and the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Cuba, the wake of an angel is called baquiní, in Puerto Rico was known as a child or party baquiné dead.

occasion of the sale of slaves to the American plantations, docked at the ports, Portuguese galleons with cargoes of slaves captured in different sub-Saharan tribes, the majority population of Congo and Angola Bantu language with them came the Arara and mine brought Ghana; Carabalis and lucumi of the Yoruba language of Nigeria and to a lesser extent, jobs-barbarian, Biafra, Xango, Nagôs and Mandingo. One of the more defined traits are manifest in African ritual chants associated with the mortuary and dead balls, concentrations of black and wild rangers who were the runaway in Colombia, Venezuela cumbes or Rochela and quilombos in Brazil terms that could be treated as a synonym for "black dance." Many of the Maroons were fleeing from Curacao or other Antillean islands. The lumbalú, singing of death or mourning, is the core language that enabled communities to preserve African traditions.
From the point of view of the mortuary Palenquera -the runaway black populations were fugitives during the English colony settled in the Colombian Pacific coast, dances or dance wake the dead with a touch of drum, known as Alabao and wake of an angel, characterized by their rich content ceremonial rhythms associated currulao -tune Colombian Pacific-type and styles funeral corresponding Bund, regardless of the region concerned (chigualo south-central Pacific coast Guali- north-central and mampulorio- Windward under a year-) funerea with children.

The bunde is a funeral rite, a form of worship of the dead, in which the pain of losing a loved one is becoming a cause for joy, joy because of the entry of the soul of the child died in the spirit realm. Its origin is the "Wunder" of Sierra Leone and spread among the Afro-Colombian Pacific coast. Is an expression of the funeral rites and the kids running in the backyard while the adults are dealing with mortuary ritual itself, a capella, in a voice and chorus, accompanied by clapping. When resort to tired -involved games all present- of funerals, which are substantial in the novena and consists of singing, clapping, riddles in circles of women and men, the rest sing.

The Yoruba baquiní is a custom originating in the coast of Nigeria in West Africa, keep a very close relationship with certain cult funeral observable among black farmers in Jamaica. It is a form of sung rosary to be held on the occasion of the death of a child of color -white when the deceased is called rosette- is a religious ceremony celebrating the start of a happy infant, which him free from misery of this earthly world, so you can share with their ancestors in a harmonious spirit world, making it an angel in heaven, which is in direct sacred resource for family and community. It is developed with a group of people dancing and chanting responsariales. The boy was dressed in white, lying on a table covered with white sheets, very clean, and decorated with flowers from head to toe, while starting a farewell musical with songs and drums, followed by games, food and drink.


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