Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Toddler Sized Wrestling

Chavez coincides with the Communist Party and is harshly critical of his government officials coup Luis Ugalde

Days before PCV questioned an editorial that after 11 years, justifying further improvisation and inefficiency

Popular News Agency .- In its usual weekly radio and television broadcast on Sunday 8 November, the President of the Republic Hugo Chávez Frías, publicly and severely whipped his ministers, deputy ministers, governors and mayors for breaching Bolivarian goals, improvisation in governance, inefficiency and bureaucracy at different levels and agencies.

the issuance of Alo Presidente N º 343, from the plains of Acarigua city, the national president of the Bolivarian Revolution leader criticized the lack of coordination and planning among senior officials. "They have to plan," he said to claim the powerful Minister of Public Works and Housing, the former vice president and former governor Diosdado Cabello, delivery of a lot of homes for rent without having completed the relevant projects of productive employment and community services.

addition, in the act planted two deputy ministers to respond to the delay in project implementation. "If no response is better than saying 'do not know." None of justifications, make-believe, of 'we're at it', 'is expected'. If I was supervisor of you would tighten the nut; revolutionary discipline is needed, because the people expect solutions and ultimately the responsibility of all Chavez ", he questioned communities present, who applauded the public reprimand

"I ask you to give face to the people. We have to assume the faults publicly, it is necessary to assume responsibilities, that makes a revolutionary" demanded the ministers, deputy ministers, governors and mayors Bolivarian.

President Chavez also urged to review "how much is in waste, cost, bureaucracy, we must be efficient to promote socialism." "That's another thing, I hear very few talking about socialism, revolution, remain in superficial. I demand commitment!, and can not, compadre, who will stand, "he added, while recommending them senior officials take a course in strategic planning as well as reading and discussing the classics of Marxism.

The harsh criticism and self-critical of Chavez himself agreed with a recent editorial in the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), an ally of Venezuelan leader since his first presidential campaign in 1998. The document, published four days before the program Alo Presidente in his newspaper Tribuna Popular No. 171, titled "For if we improvise, err" and is dedicated to the need to plan for no err, to paraphrase a thought from the teacher Simón Rodríguez.

The PCV notes that in December 2009 and met "11 years of the great popular success." And while acknowledging that "the best for Venezuela was the initiation in 1998 of this qualitatively new stage of national liberation revolution, which was a break in the neoliberal policy", warned that "in an increasingly large sector of the Venezuelan population , calan no justifications' puntofijismo forty years', the 'previous governments' ad for' big plans, axes, objectives .... "

The common questions in the various levels of government are not "real critical reviews and above all self-criticism of what is done." And that sometimes is to "justify the improvisation that prevails in many of the policies called" strategic. "

They argue that "nothing original, in the anarchy of the capitalist system, that socialist planning (...) guarantee the satisfaction of basic needs of society."


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